Missions, Outreach

MSM’s mission and goals

THE Methodist School of Music (MSM) has a motto: “Be Good Stewards of God’s Gift of Music”.
Its mission is to:

* Raise the level of appreciation for music and the arts in Singapore by providing quality music education for all ages, and
* Raise the level and quality of church music in Singapore and the region by providing the necessary resources and training.

MSM strives to equip and encourage individuals who will be:
· able to make music alone and with others,
· able to improvise, arrange and create music,
· able to respond to music aesthetically, intellectually and emotionally,
· acquainted with a wide variety of musical styles and genres,
· familiar with the role of music in the church and society,
· able to continue their musical studies independently, and
· willing to use their musical gifts to serve in the church.

