
Music and missions

What does being a Methodist mean to you
David Leong is a Local Preacher cum Itinerant Children & Families Educator at Grace Methodist Church

Two things come to my mind about what being a Methodist means to me: music and missions.

Methodists love to sing and I am one of them! Our Methodist forefathers, John and Charles Wesley, published 56 collections of hymns in 53 years. Charles Wesley wrote some 8,989 hymns. During my youth days, I was involved in our church choir and also as one of the Sunday School and church worship leaders.

Our founding pastor, Rev Alfred C. H. Yeo, has modelled for us in Grace Methodist Church what it means to be involved in God’s missions. When I answered God’s call in 1990 to serve as a full-time missionary with Scripture Union Singapore, my church leadership and members were very supportive. In July 2013, when I became an itinerant children and families educator on a freelance basis, the church continued its strong support.

I believe that these can be attributed to the strong emphasis on missions that our founding Methodist fathers had. What John Wesley said—“The world is my parish”—has inspired me to serve the Body of Christ worldwide.

I thank God that in my 53 years of being a Christian, I have experienced the unique richness of the Methodist music and missions heritage that God has used together with other ministries to bring people of all ages and backgrounds to Jesus in worship and witness for the glory of His Name.

David Leong is a Local Preacher cum Itinerant Children & Families Educator at Grace Methodist Church. He was brought to church when he was nine years old by his Primary Three Form Teacher and her then-fiancé. He is married to Cynthia and they have three children who are young adults now. / Photo courtesy of David Leong

