2021 marks the 40th Anniversary of Methodist Welfare Services (MWS). In a year plagued by the persistent global COVID-19 crisis, we put our trust in God’s providence and are thankful for what we have achieved for the financial year (FY) 2020/21. MWS Chairperson, Mrs Fong Loo Fern, and Chief Executive Officer, Ms Junie Foo, presented the key highlights and achievements at our 40th Annual General Meeting (AGM), held on 18 Sep 2021.
Mrs Fong began by acknowledging the pioneer group of Methodist volunteers who first saw the needs in the community and answered the call to set up MWS. What began as the Methodist Home for the Aged Sick at St George’s Lane for six elderly sick residents has today grown to a network of 20 centres and programmes, serving over 8,000 beneficiaries.
Because of the pandemic, volunteers have become even more invaluable in supporting MWS’ work. In FY2020/21, MWS formed the Volunteer Leaders Support Group where identified volunteer leaders guide other volunteers and shared best practices in volunteering. In addition, MWS launched the Befriender’s Toolkit and the MWS Community Portal, a one-stop online platform that offers volunteers a holistic view of their volunteering journey. The first ever Timebanking Rewards Programme was also introduced, allowing volunteers to bank in their volunteering hours and redeem them for rewards.
Despite the challenges presented in the past FY, MWS served almost 8,800 persons, which represented a 5 per cent increase in the number of direct clients and service counts. In particular, there was a 35 per cent increase in the number of low-income families who approached MWS for financial assistance. Almost $2 million was disbursed to low-income families across Singapore in FY2020/21. MWS Family Service Centres also worked with the government and other public agencies to rehouse individuals made homeless when the pandemic first broke out.
Against the very challenging economic climate, MWS achieved commendable results by raising $13.8 million. We continued to maintain a very efficient fundraising cost ratio of 4.8 per cent, which means that 95 cents of every dollar went directly to MWS centres and programmes.
To do good well, MWS is also always expanding to meet the growing community needs. In July 2020, MWS embarked on a partnership with Christalite Methodist Chapel to manage MWS Christalite Student Care Centre. The Centre provides affordable student care services for seven- to 14-year-olds in Geylang East. MWS also won a Ministry of Health tender in June 2020 which will see us operate a new Senior Care Centre and Nursing Home at Eunos. The new Senior Care Centre is expected to begin operations in early 2022 while the new Nursing Home is slated to open in 2023. These new services will enhance MWS’ continuum of eldercare services in the community.
At the AGM, new Board of Governance office holders and members for the new two-year term were also elected. CEO Ms Junie Foo expressed immense appreciation to several former MWS board members who have stepped down, namely Rev Dr Daniel Koh, Mr Eugene Toh, Mr Robin Cheong, Mr Albert Lim and Mr Wendell Wong, for their years of faithful service. Although Rev Dr Koh, Mr Toh and Mr Lim will no longer be on the main Board of Governance, they will continue to serve in our Centre Governance Committees and other committees.
New and re-elected board members, MWS Board of Governance (2021–23)
Mrs Fong Loo Fern – Chairperson
Mr Lam Wei Choong – Vice Chairperson
Mr Raymond Khoo Peng Ann – Honorary Secretary
Ms Mak Wei Munn – Assistant Honorary Secretary
Mr Tan Chian Khong – Honorary Treasurer
Mr Terence Wee Jin Zoo – Assistant Honorary Treasurer
Mr Yow Chi Mun – Board Member
Dr Tan Hai Chuang – Board Member
Ms Joanne Low Eu Min – Board Member
Ms Chew Kim Ling – Board Member
Mr Philip Oh – Board Member
Rev David Gwee Hock Soon – Co-opted Board Member
Rev Jason Phua Kok Yong – Co-opted Board Member
Mr Soh Kok Leong – Co-opted Board Member
Mr Samuel Tay – Co-opted Board Member
Mr Wilson Sampath – Co-opted Board Member
Dr Teo Li Bee – Co-opted Board Member
Mr Darius Chua – Representative, The Methodist Church in Singapore
Mr Guan Yeow Kwang – Secretary of the Trustees of The Methodist Church in Singapore
For details, please see the MWS Annual Report FY2020/21 by scanning the QR code, visiting https://mws.sg/annual-governance-reports or checking out our microsite at https://mws.sg/annual-report-fy2020-21.
Find out more about our 40th Anniversary celebrations and how you can be a part at www.mws.sg/mws40th.
By the Methodist Welfare Services (MWS) Communications Team