
MWS wins the Charity Governance Award 2014

Mr David Wong (far left) and Mrs Jenny Bong (second from left) receive the Award and a $10,000 cheque from Minister for Social and Family Development Mr Chan Chun Sing.

Methodist Welfare Services (MWS) was conferred top honours at the Charity Governance Award (CGA) 2014 presented by the Charity Council in partnership with the Asia Centre for Social Entrepreneurship and Philanthropy. Winning in the large category, the CGA recognises charities that have adopted the highest standards of governance. It aims to promote good governance in the charity sector by acknowledging the good works of charities, while inspiring others to emulate best practices in governance.

MWS’ Chairperson Mr David Wong received the award from the Minister for Social and Family Development, Mr Chan Chun Sing, at the presentation ceremony held on 13 Nov 2014. The event was witnessed by more than 300 representatives from voluntary welfare organisations, top officials from the Ministry for Community, Children and Youth and members of the Charity Council.

Mr David Wong also shared about our governance practices in a panel discussion moderated by Professor Mak Yuen Teen of the NUS Business School.

As a multi-service welfare agency operating several centres and programmes, MWS’ unique governance framework encompasses an independent Board which is accountable for the entire organisation, as well as Governance Committees that oversee each of the respective centres. This framework has evolved in response to improving standards of governance, and to encourage committed volunteerism, and greater staff professionalism in the delivery of our services to the community.

The two key pillars that support MWS’ approach to governance are accountability and transparency. These two principles resonate in all of MWS’ governance policies and practices. Comments from a long-time donor to MWS, Mr Lars Sorensen, reflected this. “You know where the money (donated) is going to go. If you visit (the centres), you can actually see this is where it went.”

On his confidence in MWS’ transparency, Lars said, “It’s a combination of looking at the Annual Report and being happy with the disclosures provided in the Annual Report as well as talking to people at the MWS charities and being happy with the answers that they give to our questions. I found that they are very upfront and willing to answer any question and that gives me a lot of confidence.”

“Good governance is essential to what we do at MWS. As stewards, we are entrusted with resources to serve those in need in our community. We are
accountable to our donors and volunteers, the ministries that oversee us, and most importantly to God,” said Mrs Jenny Bong, Group Executive Director of MWS.

A big “Thank you” to our donors, volunteers and staff who have served with us all these years. We share the joy and honour of winning this Charity Governance Award with all of you!

We thank God for this honour, and for guiding past and present MWS leadership in governing MWS wisely.

In a panel discussion, Mr David Wong (far left) shares how MWS overcomes challenges in implementing good governance.
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READ MORE about our governance practices or watch the Tribute Video at www.mws.org.sg. To GIVE or VOLUNTEER u contact us at volunteer@mws.org.sg or fundraising@mws.org.sg

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Photos courtesy of Methodist Welfare Services

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Ms Bernadette Sandra is Executive (Communications & Fundraising) at Methodist Welfare Services.

