
My experiences enabled me to connect with children

My experiences enabled me to connect with children
Darius with his wife, Joyce and their children, Faith, aged 6 and Reuel, aged 3

I accepted Christ at an altar call during a Christmas programme organised by The Boy’s Brigade (BB) when I was in Secondary 2. The officer-in-charge, David Chan, followed up with me and has been my mentor till today. My family, all non-believers at that time, did not support my decision to accept Christ. They had wanted me to focus on my studies and I was not allowed to go to church on Sundays until I started National Service.

During my Junior College years, as part of my CCA, I served in BB at a Primary school together with David. We had Bible study sessions together and it was during this period that I started learning and teaching the Word to young children.

I have been attending Aldersgate Methodist Church for about 24 years and have served in its Children’s Ministry for more than 15 years. My ministry partners and I recognise that we play a role in grounding the children in God’s word so that they can weather the storms in their lives. We pray that we can be a good support system to the children. I thank God for the experiences that I had growing up because they have enabled me to connect with children, especially those who feel “controlled” by their parents.

And thanks be to God, my parents who objected to my faith so long ago, have come to know and accept Christ as their personal saviour!

Darius Tian is the Children’s Ministry co-ordinator at Aldersgate Methodist Church. / Photo courtesy of Darius Tian

