Missions, Outreach

My grace is sufficient for you

Pranish (extreme left) with the WBMC worship team

I have had the privilege to work with my home church, Pentecost Methodist Church, and MMS in our Nepal ministry since 2008. I have witnessed the hand of God at work in the lives of simple people who trust God implicitly.

During a recent visit to Nepal, I met 17-year-old Pranish Darjee, who serves in the worship and prayer team of Wesley Bardan Methodist Church (WBMC) in Kathmandu. This is Pranish’s testimony:

 “During childhood, a high fever left me with a stutter, which remains to this day. Through steadfast prayer and by God’s grace, my condition has improved and I am able to serve in the worship and prayer team.

I started school late as my family faced financial difficulties and was in debt. To support the family, my father worked overseas in Malaysia and later in India. My mother also had to work to help provide for my younger sister and me. My difficult childhood made me very angry and sad.

I also had to contend with religious issues. As my mother and I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ while my father was a Jehovah’s Witness, we had many quarrels about our different beliefs.

Throughout this time, I prayed for wisdom, patience and perseverance as well as for my father’s salvation. In answer to my prayers, my pastor found me a place to stay with a God-fearing family. This brought hope and belief in God’s goodness.

Then tragedy struck again. In January 2019, both my dad’s kidneys failed and he had to go on dialysis. The day he was admitted to hospital, my sister met with an accident and suffered severe injuries. My mother and I had to shuttle between my father and my sister. After much prayer for healing, my sister recovered fully.

During my father’s illness, my mother and I prayed for him. By God’s mercy and grace, he accepted Christ as Lord and Saviour, just days before he was passed away on 24 March 2019.

Without the support and encouragement of my pastor and cell group, I would not have got through the challenging times I faced. More importantly, I thank God that all that has happened has strengthened my belief in Him. I want to remain faithful and continue serving Him.”

“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness… For when I am weak, then I am strong.” (2 Cor 12:9–10)

Noel Tam is the Home Director and Area Director (Nepal) for the Methodist Missions Society (MMS). He worships at Pentecost Methodist Church and has a passion for the ministry in Nepal.

Please pray:

  • for Pranish to continue to be a powerful witness for Christ
  • that God will continue to provide for the needs of Pranish’s family
  • that the youths in WBMC will be encouraged by the Pranish’s faithfulness and love for God
Pranish with his mother and sister

Photos courtesy of The Methodist Missions Society

