IF YOU HAVE THE GIFT of composing music or poetry, we would like to invite you to share your talent and gift by contributing to our new hymnal, entitled New Asian Songs of Worship, planned for early 2015.
We welcome hymns, short songs and liturgical responses that reflect Asian ethnic elements and styles, to convey the reality of the life, mission and witness of churches in Asia. These works should be appropriate for use in corporate Christian worship and in seminaries.
We expect to include about 80 to 100 new hymns and liturgical settings in our new hymnal. It will be multi-lingual with original languages and with translations in English, and where appropriate Malay and Mandarin. A guide for music directors and worship leaders will be included.
The new hymnal will be an all-Asian undertaking – musicians, senior church leaders, seminary teachers and theologians in the region have come forward with their support. Hymnal editors are Dr I-to Loh, Ms Mary Gan and Ms Judith Laoyan-Mosomos, and they will be supported by a committee comprising Dr Simon Chan, Dr Eddy Chong, Dr Lu Chen Tiong, Mr Rudolf Pantou and Dr Michael Poon.
To date, seminaries from East and West Malaysia, Singapore, as well as churches in Singapore and the Methodist School of Music will be lending their support to this undertaking.
Picture by Warunee Kaewjunchai/Bigstock.com
Mary Y. T. Gan is the Project Director of New Asian Songs of Worship.
MethodistSG Mobile Apps: The Church at your fingertips!
WONDERING WHICH worship service to attend? Where’s the nearest church to you? How would you get there? Or find out what’s happening in our Methodist community, and have a quick read about our rich and long heritage.
Just download – for free – the new mobile app for The Methodist Church in Singapore from the Apple App Store (for the iPhone version) and Google Play (for the Android version). To install, search for MethodistSG in either one of the stores, or scan the following QR codes using your smartphone.
Stay in touch with the latest news, featured articles, events and lots more based on information streamed from our official website, www.methodist.org.sg.
You can search for worship services at our Methodist churches based on preferred timing, geographical zone and language. Know precisely where the church is located with the map pin, and get acquainted with the church and its immediate area. And if your phone has a Global Positioning System (GPS) function, you can use the app to plot out the navigation route to the church of your choice.
A connection to the Internet is required.
The development of these apps is undertaken by Massive Infinity Pte Ltd on a pro bono basis, and we would like to acknowledge the company for its help.
Do give us your feedback – email vic.seow@methodist.org.sg
Victor Seow is a staff at the Bishop’s Office looking after research, IT and programmes.