Outreach, Unity in Spirit

New NCCS President elected

Bishop Terry Kee, the outgoing President of the National Council of Churches of Singapore (NCCS), thanking the NCCS for its support during his term. Bishop Dr Wee Boon Hup (far right) is the newly-elected President of NCCS. Seated far left are Elder Richard Chong, Executive Secretary, and Mr Lim K Tham, Honorary General Secretary.

Our Bishop, the Rev Dr Wee Boon Hup, was elected President of the National Council of Churches of Singapore (NCCS) on April 29 this year for a term of two years at the Council’s Annual General Meeting. He succeeds the Bishop Terry Kee of the Lutheran Church in Singapore.

The NCCS – made up of major Protestant, independent and non-denominational churches in Singapore, including churches from the Orthodox tradition – exists to present a united witness.

NCCS members subscribe to a common belief: The Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds, the Bible as the supreme standard of Christian faith and practice, evangelism and one-ness in Christ being our priorities, and that God revealed his purpose for humankind in Jesus Christ, through the Holy Spirit.

In his address as outgoing President, Bishop Kee recounted some challenging issues that confronted the NCCS during his term. These included the performance by Lady Gaga in Singapore which many Christians considered blasphemous, LGBT issues, churches seeking more public worship space, and mediating between leaders of other faiths and our member churches. He thanked the NCCS for the support he had received from the Executive Committee, Secretariat and member churches.

Bishop Kee will continue to serve on the Council as one of the Vice-Presidents. On his election, Bishop Dr Wee shared with the Methodist Message: “I am humbled by this vote of confidence, and pray that I would be worthy of this privilege. I am grateful to my predecessor, Bishop Terry Kee, who during his term of office has provided excellent leadership in guiding the NCCS through difficult issues and challenges.

“With a membership of close to 250 churches and associate members, the NCCS is well-placed to shape Christian public opinion through mutual consultation and action, and to bring it to bear on the multi-faceted issues of the day. I believe we can do this through standing united, and being obedient to our calling as the disciples of Jesus Christ.”

As he begins a two-year term, Bishop Dr Wee solicits prayer from member churches and Christians in Singapore for the responsibility entrusted to him.



Picture courtesy of the National Council of Churches of Singapore

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Christina Stanley is Editor of the Methodist Message and has been a member of Wesley Methodist Church since 1987.

