IHAD been waiting anxiously for the day of my commissioning by Bishop Dr Robert Solomon as a missionary to Nepal on Feb 10, 2008. I was filled with great excitement.
In his message, the Bishop encouraged me to “continue carrying the flag of Christ” even though at times there would be discouragement in the mission field.
The illustration of the flag bearer being spotted in a war and the enemy wanting to shoot down the flag bearer has great significance for me as the flag bearer carries the flag of the country which brings pride, honour and encouragement to the soldiers.
At that moment, I understood the importance placed on the flag bearer, to always raise the flag high as it helps to bring encouragement to the soldiers to fight on.
God has placed such a responsibility on me, calling me to carry the flag of the heavenly kingdom in Nepal.
I felt so small and unworthy to hold such a task but I knew it could only be God who saw me through the past one year in Nepal. I am the flag bearer for Christ, carrying a flag with the symbol of Christ.
The Bishop’s sermon also reminded me of my journey as an ambassador of Christ. The day of commissioning shows the spiritual covering I have from my home church and I am excited about heading back to the mission field.
Though I responded to God’s call to serve in Nepal, I never felt I was making any sacrifice but I felt it was my response to God’s love. This response is just the beginning, and I know His Grace will sustain me.
I am directly involved in the lives of the 26 girls in Sophia Home in Kathmandu and the various ministries in the church, Sunday School, youth and women’s fellowship. I will also be playing a supporting role in two other village churches in the eastern part of Nepal and the student sponsorship scheme.
I will be getting married in October and I seek your prayers for my fiancé as he hands his ministry in Thailand to his colleagues, and myself as we serve in Nepal.
Gloria Khoo is a member of Charis Methodist Church.
BRMC singles ministry brings cheer to Viet kids
SEVEN members of connect@brmc, the ministry for singles at Barker Road Methodist Church, left Singapore on Feb 9, 2008 for a retreat at Ho Chi Minh City.
The programme included a visit to the Hope Paediatric Oncology Ward (Hope POW).
The team wanted to be a blessing to the children at the Hope POW but as team members had no budget for the goodies, they prayed for donations and sponsorships for gifts to the 130 patients.
A spokesman said: “God made everything beautiful in His time … thank God for His provisions. We received a generous donation for the hongbao and sponsorships for all the gifts in the goody bags.”
Team members played with the children and taught them some songs with action. The children enjoyed the singing session; so did the parents who were present.
Said Lily, a team member: “As a mother I felt compassion for the children and as we played with them and taught them songs, we were blessed with smiles from them and their parents.”
Jessie said: “When the retreat to Ho Chi Minh City was first discussed, I felt that we needed to reach out to the Vietnamese with the love of Christ. I am grateful that we were given the privilege to touch the lives of the young cancer patients with gifts brought all the way from Singapore.”
Added David: “This is my first trip to Ho Chi Minh City and will certainly not be my last. I hope to visit the city regularly to bring hope to the Vietnamese by sharing skills with them and helping to build schools and orphanages as God leads me.”