Happenings, News

Newly-formed Caleb Connexions seeking church partnership

Participants break up for group discussions.

APRIL 1, 2003 was a historic day when 50 participants from 30 churches and mission agencies turned up for breakfast and a missions consultation at the International Baptist Church.

The event was organised by the Caleb Connexions, a newly-formed ministry, which wanted to find out from the pastors and mission agencies how it could work in partnership with them.

A lively discussion was held between the participants and the findings were taken from 59 per cent of the participants who responded.

The majority were convinced that the Caleb Connexions could play a useful role in reaching out to church members aged 40 and above to serve God in missions.

The keynote address was given by Bishop Dr Robert Solomon, who spoke on “Second Half, First Love”, which is the slogan adopted by the Caleb Connexions.

He shared about the experience of Peter. Peter felt defeated when he could not catch any fish and had to listen to Jesus, a carpenter, who told him where to catch a fish. Peter then hauled in so many fishes that the nets could no longer hold.

Peter had to respond either to go part time or full time in following Jesus. The challenge is not to go part time or full time but whole life in knowing God in a deeper way. The motive for part time is based on the question “What can God do for me?” For full time, the question is “What can I do for God?”, while the motive for whole life is “Love for Christ”. Jesus connects devotion with service.

Bishop Dr Solomon chatting with Mr Paul Johnson of Wycliffe Bible
Translators during tea-break.

Bishop Dr Solomon exhorted the participants to help people to discover their first love for Jesus for the whole of their lives. “Love God with all our hearts and love others,” he urged.

From the report on the discussion, it appears that the participants want a retreat to be held so that the work of the ministry could be made known to those who are interested.

Grace Ong is the Secretary-General of the Caleb Connexions.

Caleb Connexions

Caleb said: “I was 40 years when the LORD sent me to explore land … I followed the LORD my God wholeheartedly … I am today 85 years and still as strong as the day Moses sent me out … I am just as vigorous to go out.” — Joshua 14: 6 -18.

IS THERE hope for the “baby boomers” to be involved in missions and service in the 21st century?

This was the question which formed the basis of the workshop “Refired, not retired in missions” which was held at the Go4th National Missions Conference held in Singapore from August 7-10, 2002.

A pro-tem committee was formed in October 2002 to address this issue and Caleb Connexions was born as a ministry of the Singapore Centre for Evangelism and Mission to help people aged 40 years and above to move their life from success to significance.

Our vision
An inter-denominational ministry called to mobilise, network, resource and encourage Christians aged 40 and above to glorify God in fulfilling the Great Commission.

Our mission
1) To network with churches and mission organisations. Our role is to complement current work or fill gaps as necessary.
2) To facilitate missions to the unreached people or to developing countries either for short or long-term trips.
3) To create a database of volunteers who are prepared to give of their professional skills, time and energy for the extension of God’s Kingdom and matching them with the needs in the mission field.

