Touch, You & Your Family

On ministering to the youth

I LOVE TALKING WITH YOUNG PEOPLE. By relating to them, I can understand why and how they cherish every moment of their life. I especially enjoy hearing them share their stories, life-experiences and “God moments”.

I believe the youth whom we serve in the schools do not need great ideas or any great programme. All they need is a living model – a woman of God who is passionate about her faith and pointing them to Jesus because it is all about Him. “God has not called me to be successful; He has called me to be faithful.” (Mother Theresa).

God’s Word is still relevant
I have discovered that while logic, conventional wisdom and words are not always effective, God’s Word remains relevant for our young people.

In today’s postmodern world, the youth are aware of so much more of the issues of life and they need to have confidence in the things that will never change – God and His Word. We must teach and inspire them (creatively) to trust that God has the answers they are searching for, and that they must take the risk and experience His love for themselves.

Go to places where they can be found

The best time to hang out with the students is during the school recess or after school is over. Go to where they can be found. While the time we have might be short, every opportunity is used to touch base with the students so that we can hear their concerns and feel their struggles.

Sometimes, it is good to invite them for a session of jamming in the music room – young people love music and to express themselves through music. It is at these informal times where we can truly bond with them and, when the time is right, share God’s love and grace with them.

The joy of ministry
My most joyous moments was when I see former students returning to serve with us in the school ministry – to lead in worship during weekly chapel, to facilitate in Bible study groups, or to help out in our “Discover Jesus Week”.

When we see them in action, we see the fruits of our labour and our hearts are filled with thanksgiving to God.

Ministering to young people is most challenging because often, my own character is challenged.

The youth are very perceptive and they can tell what is real and what is fake. They challenge us to authentic living. I am therefore constantly humbled, and seek to be Christ’s example to them.

In these eight years, I have learnt to be a better listener, a firmer encourager, and someone whose life is centred more deeply in God’s transforming Word.


wSCS to celebrate world Federation Day

THE GENERAL CONFERENCE WOMEN’S SOCIETY OF CHRISTIAN SERVICE (GC WSCS) is inviting all women to take part in a celebration to mark World Federation Day at Sophia Blackmore Hall, Level 6, Methodist Centre, on Nov 6 from 2.30 to 4.30 pm.

GC WSCS is affiliated to the World Federation of Methodist and Uniting Church Women, and the focus of this year’s celebration is on the United Nations’ Millennium Development Goal #7 – Ensure Environmental Sustainability.

There will be a message by Mrs Malar Solomon, wife of Bishop Dr Robert Solomon, and a slide presentation on “Ensuring Environmental Sustainability”. Also to be featured in this celebration, in line with the focus, will be Market Place, which will have food and non-food items on sale, with all proceeds to be channelled to missions.

Come and find out how relevant environmental sustainability is to the people in Singapore, and what your personal responsibilities are towards this environmental push.

The recent weather chaos has left a trail of devastation. Thousands of people have lost their lives, millions have been left homeless and livestock and hectares of crops have been destroyed. From the blistering heat in Russia to killer floods in Asia, this climatic havoc is a result of climate change that is causing great concern. Climate change is believed to have altered global temperatures significantly. This has resulted in more frequent extreme weather patterns with greater intensity, more hurricanes and drought, and water carcity. It is also predicted that climate change will greatly impact he Earth’s ecosystems leading to biodiversity loss.

“The Earth is the Lord’s and everything in it” (1 Corinthians 10:26). God created everything and provided us with all the resources that we need.

As Christians, we are called to be good stewards of His creation. How then can we be more environmental friendly to protect the Earth? How can we use responsibly the resources that God has given us without jeopardising the resources of tomorrow?

To register for the event, contact your Local WSCS President.

