“Heavenly Father, we thank You for the leaders, staff and volunteers of MWS who are serving You faithfully day in and day out. The work is often demanding and tiring. As they make time to sit quietly at Your feet – please refresh them with Your joy and renew their strength.”
There is only one instance in the Bible when Jesus said, “Only one thing is necessary…” He was visiting the home of Martha and Mary. Martha was busy preparing things for Jesus and became upset that Mary was not helping her.
Luke 10:40 (NASB) “But Martha was distracted with all her preparations; and she came up to Him and said, ‘Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to do all the serving alone? Then tell her to help me.’ ”(v41-42) “But the Lord answered and said to her, ‘Martha, Martha, you are worried and bothered about so many things; but only one thing is necessary, for Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her.’ ”
This phrase – “only one thing is necessary” – neatly sums up the hopes of the leadership of our Methodist Welfare Services (MWS).
Like Martha, we want to work hard at serving the less fortunate in our community.
But like Mary, we also want to ensure that we regularly make time to sit quietly at the feet of our Lord and give Him our undivided attention – the one thing that is necessary. It is our prayer that Christ will be at the very centre of all our service for Him.
Like Martha, we care for the physical needs of our clients. Like Mary, we also care for their spiritual needs.
For example, our doctors and nurses with Agape Methodist Hospice not only provide very professional medical care, but also spiritual care.
I watched in awe as some of the patients, with tears in their eyes, expressed their gratitude for the prayers the medical staff offered for them.
Part of my role as Chaplain is to raise a team of people committed to praying regularly for our work.
If you would like to receive a short monthly email from me which will help you pray consistently for our work, please email me at NormanWong@mws.org.sg
“Heavenly Father, we thank You for the leaders, staff and volunteers of MWS who are serving You faithfully day in and day out. The work is often demanding and tiring. As they make time to sit quietly at Your feet – please refresh them with Your joy and renew their strength.”
VOLUNTEER * to be a prayer warrior for the work of the Methodist Welfare Services.
Email the Rev Dr Norman Wong at NormanWong@mws.org.sg
Photo courtesy of Methodist Welfare Services
The Rev Dr Norman Wong was appointed Chaplain of the Methodist Welfare Services in January 2014. He is a retired pastor of the Trinity Annual Conference and served in various pastoral and leadership capacities for more than 27 years. He currently worships at Barker Road Methodist Church.