
Our God is Love: A testimony by the late Pastor Pushpa Chaudari

The late Pastor Pushpa Chaudari (right) sharing the good news

of God’s love with people in Surunga.

We believe in a God who is Love! What a privilege! This has been my experience in my walk with Him.

I was born into a Hindu family and observed this religion out of respect for my parents. My early adult years were marked by difficult and painful experiences. I was a drug addict. I thought I could find happiness and satisfaction, enjoying the company of ‘friends’ who shared the love for “chasing the dragon”.

However, this was the hardest time of my life, as I lost my mother. Before she passed, we had frequent family quarrels which saddened my mother very much. She became sick and slowly her body weakened. Because of our strained relationship before she passed, I felt a terrible sense of guilt, thinking that I contributed to her death somehow.

My troubles only worsened after her demise. My drug addict friends succumbed to the various diseases associated with the use of drugs and contracted HIV, Tuberculosis, and Hepatitis. I lost 11 of my friends. I was filled with a sense of hopelessness and despair. I was afraid and feared that I too would come to the same end as my friends. I wanted to rid myself of this habit but could not. I felt helpless and worthless to my family, society and even to God.

It was at this time that I decided to leave my home in east Nepal to seek a job in Kathmandu. While I was working in a bamboo handicraft centre, I met a Christian pastor who shared the gospel with me. Through his sharing and constant guidance, I realised that only Jesus Christ can help me out of my bondage to drugs.

On 15 June 2003, I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour and received water baptism. My life started to change. I became less dependent on drugs and my circle of friends changed from drug addicts to fellow believers. Finally I broke free from drugs without having to go through any rehabilitation, but by the grace and love of God.

Throughout all these challenges, my wife Kaushila stood by me. I have much to thank her for. She brought up my two sons, Riju and Roger, while I was troubled with drugs. I shared the love of God that I had experienced with my family. My wife willingly accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and Saviour after witnessing the changes in me, and joined me in ministry.

My church life grew and my Pastor appointed me an evangelist. After a few years, I felt the burning desire to return to my hometown in Dhulabari in Jhapa to share the good news with my friends and neighbours, and received my pastor’s blessings. I started a house fellowship and shared the changes I experienced due to God’s grace, mercy and love.

It was at this time that I sensed a calling to serve. I spoke to my Pastor about my desire to attend theological training. However, he did not approve of my request. God pointed me to a training centre, Caleb Bible Institute (CBI) in Dhulabari. I decided to follow what I believe is God’s calling for me, even if it was against the wishes of my Pastor, who ceased all support for me and my family.

I enrolled at CBI in 2006. Even seven months after the completion of my course, my Pastor was still distant. I was discouraged by his response but I prayed and waited on the Lord, believing that if one door closed, He would open other doors for me to serve Him.

I believe God led me to meet the Rev Gopal Khanal and the Rev Chandra during my time at CBI. They offered me the opportunity to work in the Methodist Church in Nepal (MCN), Surunga, in 2009.

I continue to have challenges but I am confident that I will prevail because of God’s grace and His love for me. We have received a plot of land that will house His church and I know that God will prosper this preaching point of 23 worshippers as it grows and matures to become a Methodist church in East Nepal.

To God be the Glory!

“Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.”


1 John 4:8

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PRAY for:
Kaushila, Riju and Roger as they continue to have faith in our loving and caring Heavenly Father.
Pray for the ministry in East Nepal and that God will send another servant to minister to His people in Surunga.

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Photo courtesy of Methodist Missions Society

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The late Pastor Pushpa Chaudari was the founding Pastor of the Surunga Methodist Fellowship in East Nepal. He was called home to the Lord on 14 Jan 2015, leaving behind his wife, Kaushila, and two sons, Riju and Roger. This testimony was written by him in March 2014.

