Happenings, News

President Nathan hosts Istana party for BB members and volunteers


UNSUNG heroes of The Boys’ Brigade (BB) were recognised for their voluntary work at a garden party hosted by President S. R. Nathan at the Istana on Jan 10, 2005.

Also present were school principals and chaplains of member schools and churches. About 550 officers, boys and volunteers were present, and for many of them, it was an evening to remember — it was their first visit to the Istana.

Lately Singaporeans have been hearing the call for volunteerism. The tsunami tragedy has highlighted the need for Singaporeans to be active volunteers in the community at large. The BB has always relied on and taught the values of self-sacrifice and the spirit of volunteerism among its members and officers.

The Jubilee Reception that was held at the Istana and graciously hosted by President Nathan was to acknowledge the immense efforts that BB volunteers have put in. These men and women have willingly given up their weekends and evenings to work with the BB boys, inculcating in them a burning desire for God, our nation, and their fellow men.

Highlights of the evening were sterling band performances by the BB boys as well as the BB Old Boys Band, among whom were Mr Khoo Boon Hui, the Commissioner of Police, who played the side drum, and Mr Winston Choo, a retired Chief of Defence Force, who blew the bugle. Mr Khoo was with 12th Company and Mr Choo was with the 1st Company.

Our volunteers regularly spend four to five hours a week on top of their regular jobs in their involvement with the BB. They take time during the week to plan for activities, arrange for the logistics of their weekly meetings and, most important of all, to build the relationships with those under their care.

It is not a case of simply turning up on a Saturday morning and going through a few hours of drill before calling it a day. What sets the BB apart from many other co-curricular activities (CCAs) is that BB volunteer adult leaders (VALs) spend a lot of time during the week to build up close ties with many of the stakeholders of the BB, forging ties with the teachers in charge, the chaplains assigned to a company, the boys’ parents and most importantly the boys themselves.

The officers become the trusted source that many of them turn to in times of trouble. There are many cases of BB captains and officers who have gone beyond the call of duty. They have exhibited the true spirit of volunteerism.

Here are a few examples: Loh Jun Hao was just like any school-going child when he was suddenly and tragically struck down by leukaemia. Fortunately for him, he had concerned BB officers who were willing to help him beyond the call of duty.

Visits to the hospitals, extra tuition to keep him up to pace, simply spending time and bringing his friends over to see him made the constant pain caused by the chemotherapy sessions more bearable. Most importantly was the sense that he was not alone. Even during his darkest times, he always had the assurance that there were people who were praying for him, waiting for him to get well and to resume the life that was so suddenly robbed from him.

Thankfully, Jun Hao made a full recovery. Forever touched by the gestures of Mr Wee Tat Chuen and Mr David Chan of 33J Company (Fairfield Methodist Secondary School), he has come back to The Boys’ Brigade to become an officer himself.

He said: “Despite their hectic schedules, they would give me tuition classes on A. Maths every week. At times when I was worn out by the treatment, they would lay those books aside and talk about interesting happenings in school, and tell me jokes to brighten my day.

“I have been inspired by this incident to return as an officer in the 33J Boys’ Brigade Company, to bless my boys just as others have blessed me.”

Mr Albert Wong of 34th Company (Siling Secondary School) spearheaded a tuition programme for the boys in his company. He saw the concerns the parents of his charges had and decided to take action. He canvassed for volunteers to give extra coaching to his boys and also looked for parents who were willing to open their houses as “tuition houses”.

This was a free programme for the boys to develop, not only physically and morally but also academically. “The total well-being of my boys is of paramount concern to me,” said Mr Wong.

Mr Liau Nyuk Siong of 82nd Company (Boon Lay Secondary School), 75 years old this year, has been a lifelong BB boy. “It’s in my blood,” he said. He has been part of the BB family since 1946, first joining as a boy and then returning to become a volunteer officer in the 2nd Company. He has served as Brigade President, and now in his 75th year, he is still an active officer at the 82nd Company and an Honorary Vice-President of The Boys’ Brigade.

Daniel Chong is the Executive, Corporate Communications and Special Projects, The Boys’ Brigade in Singapore.


Service a reminder of God’s goodness

THE 75th Thanksgiving and Prayer Service of The Boys’ Brigade (BB) in Singapore that took place at Toa Payoh Methodist Church on Jan 18, 2005 was a timely reminder of God’s goodness and blessings for all involved in the uniformed youth organisation.

The purpose of holding the service and the Jubilee week of prayer as a whole is three-fold:

• Through prayer BB members seek to re-affirm the Brigade’s Christian commitment and identity, reminding them to place God first in all their work;

• This is also a time to give thanks for 75 years of successful ministry and ask God for His continued blessings on the BB, that it will grow in strength and quality;

• Finally, it is to engage the BB’s most important sponsors and stakeholders, the Church (also its ministry partner and beneficiary), as the BB ministry forges ahead to new heights of achievements.

Bishop Dr Robert Solomon of The Methodist Church in Singapore, who is the Honorary Vice-President (Clerical) of the BB, gave the sermon entitled “Roadmaps to Paradise”. He urged the BB to continue to do its good work and to spread its influence. Earlier, Mr Liau Nyuk Siong, Scriptures Secretary of The Gideons International,

presented Bibles to the BB. Mr Liau is a former President and now an Honorary Vice-President of the Brigade.


Golf tourney to raise funds for medical missions

THE Medical Missions Foundation (MMF) will hold its inaugural Charity Golf Tournament at the New Course, Singapore Island Country Club, on March 30, 2005 to raise funds for its work. Tee-off will be at 1 pm, shot gun start.

The Acting Minister for Community Development, Youth and Sports, Dr Vivian Balakhrishnan, will be the Guest-of-Honour.

The MMF is a chapter of the Christian Medical and Dental Fellowship (CMDF) in Singapore. Its role is to provide support for Christian doctors, surgeons and dentists who volunteer to do missionary service. They give up challenging careers and comfortable incomes to serve on missions bringing medicine and the Gospel message to the less fortunate in Third World countries.

The fee is $300 per golfer. To register, call the CMDF at tel: 6314-4910 or fax: 6314-4739 or email: gcfsing@gcf.org. sg


How to reach ACS (International)

THE newest addition to the Anglo-Chinese School family, ACS (International), is located at 61, Jalan Hitam Manis, Singapore 278475, in the housing estate behind the Taman Warna POSBank, which is opposite Holland Village.

The Principal is the Rev Dr John C. A. Barrett. Mrs Goh Chi Lan is the Executive Director and Mrs Ivy Teo the Finance and Administration Manager.

The school’s telephone number is: 6472-1477, and its fax number is: 6472-0477. Its web site address is: www.acsinternational.com.sg and its email address is: ivy.teo@acsinternational.com.sg

