As the oldest seminary in Singapore, Trinity Theological College (TTC) has been equipping Christians for ministry since its founding in 1948. TTC celebrates its 75th anniversary this year with the theme “Changing World, Unchanging Light”.
As a union college, TTC is an extension of the ministry of four Governing Churches of different denominations, namely The Anglican Diocese of Singapore, The Methodist Church in Singapore, The Presbyterian Church in Singapore and the Lutheran Church in Singapore.
This August, TTC will conduct its annual Open House, and welcomes anyone who might want to be trained as a full-time pastor, missionary or para-church worker. Members of the laity who want to be equipped to serve their churches better and to become more effective witnesses for Christ through their vocations in society are also welcome.
Past and present students of TTC share about their experience at this seminary.
My first year of studies in TTC has been one of the most enriching periods in my Christian walk.
TTC has provided the time and space to fully immerse myself in the pursuit of “faith seeking understanding”. Together with my fellow classmates, I grapple with what has been taught and learn how to apply the lessons to many areas of life and ministry. The teachings and guidance by our lecturers have played a key role in deepening my understanding of God.
The learning doesn’t stop there. It goes beyond the confines of the classroom—even the moments when we walk to the dining hall or library, or hang out in the lounge or hostels, our discussions and learning continue.
While challenging at first, I’ve learnt to enjoy the journey with my lecturers and classmates—my lecturers demonstrate genuine concern for my well-being, going the extra mile to address my concerns and challenges in ministry and even in my personal life, while my friends provide an invaluable source of support and encouragement.
Benjamin Huang
Second year Master of Divinity student
Why study in TTC? One reason would be the range of academic subjects taught: from Church History to Christian Ethics, from biblical languages to Field Education. These provide a comprehensive foundation that equips one for ministry or research.
Another reason would be the teachers in TTC. They are more than repositories of knowledge and wisdom; they are mentors who model what it means to be pastoral.
Finally, it is the community. Because TTC is a union college, you get an opportunity to interact and learn from believers of different Christian traditions.
I would liken studying in TTC to wading into a stream that opens to the vast sea of scholarship. The stream will refresh spiritually; the sea will sometimes overwhelm.
But ultimately it is an invitation to grow, academically and experientially, in understanding the depth and the richness of the truth and grace of God in Jesus Christ.
Khaw Siew Ping
Third year Doctor of Theology student
What has been transformative for me during my study at TTC was writing a Master of Theology (MTh) thesis on the psalms of vengeance. The research on Old Testament theologies as a possible lens for reading curses in some psalms has helped me to see God in a new light and deepened my trust in God’s promise of justice in the world.
I greatly valued the learning experience at TTC in many ways. The faculty and staff at TTC are caring, professional and highly proficient in their fields of expertise. What makes them different from others is the level of interest they take in their students, the quality time they spend with them and the depth of academic training they provide throughout the learning process.
The supervision and academic training I received through the MTh programme have helped to strengthen my research competencies and critical thinking skills.
The positive atmosphere at TTC is very conducive for spiritual formation as well as doing research work.
Sim Joo Yee
Master of Theology (2023)
First year Doctor of Theology student
My time at TTC was very formative and foundational in my journey as a Christian minister. In particular, God used TTC to provide me with a solid biblical and theological foundation. The fact that I had the opportunity to study two biblical languages was a huge blessing. This gave me the capacity to do deeper exegetical study when preparing to preach and teach in church.
The three semesters of theological classes have also given me a grounding in the theological core of the Christian faith, for example, in my understanding of the Trinity. This has proved invaluable as I pastor the congregation, especially the young adults who are eager to know the theological anchors of their faith. Apart from training the mind, TTC also trained my heart and hands by giving me opportunities to grow in practical ministry. The field education and pastoral praxis classes were especially useful to this end. All in all, my period of study in TTC was God’s gift to me for my formation and transformation—as a servant of the living God.
Benjamin Sun
Master of Divinity (2022)
Ministry Staff
Covenant Evangelical Free Church
Considering a theological education?
Do you desire to be equipped to serve God more effectively in the church and marketplace? Is God calling you to be theologically trained for ministry?
Come to the TTC Open House 2023 for lectures, to worship at the chapel, dine with the community, tour the campus and interact with the faculty and students.
Wed, 23 Aug 2023
8.30 a.m. – 2.00 p.m.
Trinity Theological College
Registration is required. Please register by Sun 20 Aug 2023 at