
Remembering our past, sharing our present


BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES are important milestones. And when a birthday or anniversary reaches a significant year, it becomes even more important and cherished.

This year, we celebrate the 125th anniversary of the founding of The Methodist Church in Singapore (MCS). One hundred and twenty-five years ago, Methodism landed on our shore when Bishop James and Anne Thoburn, the Rev William Oldham and Julia Battie arrived on Feb 7, 1885. Slightly more than two weeks after their arrival, following evangelistic meetings, the first Methodist church was established on Feb 23. A year later, in March 1886, Anglo-Chinese School was founded in Coleman Street. It was rapidly followed in August 1887 by the founding of Methodist Girls’ School.

Today, the MCS has almost 38,000 members from 44 Methodist churches in the three Annual Conferences and more than 23,000 students from 16 schools. We have every reason to celebrate. The MCS has planned a series of celebrations for the whole year, and we invite all Methodists to take part in the various programmes planned specially for the occasion.

The 125th Anniversary celebration officially began on Feb 28 when our churches used a common set of liturgies at the Sunday worship services and the MCS launched the $1.25-million Community Outreach Project to help the chronically poor in Singapore. Whilst it is appropriate for us to celebrate, we do not want to hold a “big party” just for ourselves. For 125 years, we have been richly blessed by God and the earliest missionaries who brought Methodism to us. Grateful that we are, we want to pass on this blessing to others in our midst.

The celebrations include the Aldersgate Convention 2010, a highlight of which will be the Wesleyan Hymn Festival, the launch and distribution of a Commemorative Booklet, and the Methodist Heritage Day, which will incorporate a walk to historic Methodist sites in the city. The Heritage Day, to be held on Oct 31, aims to remind all of us of our rich history and social principle of helping the needy. So let’s come together to spread joy and cheer even as we celebrate our blessing.

