One glorious morning
when the popinjays of twilight
were thrilling the eastern skies
and lilacs and lilies were in full blossom
in the garden
where they had laid the body of Jesus
bruised, broken, nail-pierced,
dead beyond a doubt
sealed in by a giant boulder
in a sepulchre
and watched over by centurions,
There was a confluence
of Heaven and Earth
within the tomb
a synapse of Divine and Corporeal,
a transmogrification never seen
since the Creation,
when Jesus triumphant over mortality
and the enslaving power of sin,
rose in His resurrected body,
– the firstborn from the dead.
Angels from the Throne Room of Heaven
suffused the tomb with holy light
bursting the seal on the boulder,
moving it aside like tumbleweed
while the centurion guards
transfixed, fell prostrate
speechless and quivering in cold sweat
at the sight of warrior angels
clad in blinding light.
All nature rejoiced to see
the curse that Adam brought
onto the earth
broken at last by the Son of Man
at the Cross,
victorious over the dominion of Death and Hades,
as Heaven and Earth
declared the awesome news
that Jesus is Risen from the Dead,
that all who come in repentance
to the foot of the cross
and look up in faith to Jesus
will receive forgiveness from their sin
and the gift of Eternal Life.
Because He lives
the centuries bifurcate around him:
He is pivotal to solar time.
He stands at the crossroads of destiny,
for each person passing by must choose his path
and his final destination
– Grace or Judgement
when the windows of human time
are forever shut.
Because He lives
the dossiers of sin and wrongdoing
of those who believe
are expunged by His precious blood.
In place of filthy garments
they shall receive suits of righteousness.
All things are made new
when the spirit of man
is quickened into life
by the Paraclete
and he becomes a new creation
– a citizen of the Eternal Kingdom.
Col 1:18-23 NKJV
Dr Oliver Seet –
is a member of Wesley Methodist Church and a Board Director of the Metropolitan YMCA.
Picture by serpeblu/