
Sailing solo with Christ at the helm

Singles ministry connect@brmc celebrates 1st anniversary

connect@brmc celebrated its first anniversary on May 5, 2007 at Wesley Hall. It was a time of thanksgiving and praise as we recalled God’s faithfulness throughout the one year when the singles ministry for those 35 years and above was inaugurated.

As the musicians began the worship with “I stand in awe of God”, the song took on a special meaning for those of us who attended the inaugural meeting one year ago.

God has blessed us beyond our expectations. We have completed the monthly Bookstudy on “The Five Love Languages for Singles”, gone on a short mission trip to Myanmar to teach English as a foreign language, made new friends and bonded as a community through various activities.

It was an answer to prayer when the sun shone brilliantly (after a week of rainy weather) and there were about 50 guests who came from different churches and from different professional backgrounds.

Many were inspired by Pastor Beatrice Kang who started her talk on “it is a matter of perspectives” in a very creative way by asking the audience to complete the sentence “If I am a … then I will …’ There was much laughter and the audience warmed towards her She said: “See yourself, a single, as a candle glowing in the dark, bringing encouragement and life in Christ to others. Live your life so that it is a sweet fragrance to others.”

Pastor Kang of Trinity Christian Centre encouraged singles to live beautiful and fulfilled lives, in Christ. Herself a single, she gave a spiritual antidote against negative and defeated living.

Her message was clear – live out your life with Christ at its control station, trusting Him totally to steer your course in life towards success and completion. To do that, she said, we need to act positively in two areas:

First, we must think with the right perspective. As believers, we are not to associate singlehood with being incomplete or being alone. In Christ, we are not alone. Nor should we think that being married is better and being single is worse. Instead, each is different from the other and both married and single people face problems, but of different types.

However, no human relationship can provide ultimate fulfilment in us because it is only possible when we have a complete, deep and meaningful relationship with God.

Second, we are to reach out to God, seek and know our ultimate purpose in Him, and then stay focused on Him in order to resist temptations. She illustrated from the Old Testament of a young Moabite widow called Ruth who refused to focus on her extreme neediness and desperate life situation.

Instead, she reached out to the God of Israel and preoccupied herself with caring for her needy mother-in-law. As a result, her life was exemplary as she saw how God continually provided and protected her.

Finally Pastor Kang shared the 3Cs to enjoy “singleness”:

Be contented with who you are and what you have. Godliness with contentment is great gain. Singles want to be married whilst the married wish they can be single again to enjoy freedom. Are you making efforts to stay contented in whatever situation you are in now?

Be connected with the world and with our immediate families. We are fulfilled when we reach out, give to and touch meaningfully, the lives of others. Have we built friendships with people of all ages, including our families?

Be compelled to serve God and find ways to serve Him. Also invest in the lives of young people and leave a meaningful legacy. Be like the candle that is lit through the night for the sake of others.

To the creator – God who wonderfully formed you and knew you even in your mother’s womb – to your God that candle is beautiful.

In summary, the message to singles, through connect@brmc, is – don’t see yourself as an empty, colourless envelope. Be a vessel filled with the aroma of God and let that fragrance bless others. Look at everything from God’s perspective and focus your purpose in life on Him.

Remember, in Christ you are not alone. So be contented, be connected to people and be compelled to serve others.

Grace Ong is the Chairman of connect@brmc


Workshops for single parents

THE 1st anniversary celebration of connect@brmc also saw the launch of five workshops for the “Sailing Solo for Single Parents” to be held on the third Saturday of each month from 2.30 to 6.30 pm at Oldham Hall in the ACS (Barker Road) campus.

Admission is free, but there is limited seating. Registration closes on July 5, 2007. To register, email your name and mobile number to

Here is the schedule:

July 21: Mr David Blakely – Thru the storms of life (Coming to terms with divorce/death of spouse), Aug 18: Mr Tan Khye Suan – On a shoe string budget (Financial Management), Sept 18: Mrs Chao Ai Jin – With baby on board (Raising up children), Oct 20: Mrs Vivian N – To a new destination (Remarriage and blended families), Nov 17: Rev Malcolm Tan – An adventure with God (New beginnings).

