The quintessence of godliness lies
not in the priestly garments
of a holy order
nor in sacred ornaments
adorning neck or crown;
Nor does it lie
in pious demeanour and genuflection,
in outward professions of faith alone,
nor in an untainted genealogy;
not in impressive public prayers
and theological discourse, nor
in ritual and ceremony.
Authentic godliness
wears a common face;
it resides in a heart
sensitive to human need and responsive
to the cries of desperation
of the destitute and of the wounded,
giving unstintingly out of a heart of
love, with no expectation of return.
On such the Father smiles
for they mirror
the very heart of God.
Picture by kgtoh/
Dear Reader,
We’re delighted to have received responses to our new -look Methodist Message – a big thank you to all who took the time to give us feedback. Feedback has been encouraging – creatively refreshing, forward-looking, superlative redesign and so forth.
There has also been feedback on legibility, sequence of contents including a suggestion for a full content list.
The new MM will continue to be a work in progress. Our aim is to strike a fine balance between keeping you updated, presenting engaging content that you may be led to respond to, or relate with, and building stronger connectivity within our Church.
We’ll consider all feedback, and will certainly be mindful as we move forward. In the meantime – bring home your copy of MM, and after you’ve finished reading it, do pass it on to other family members, friends and colleagues.
We welcome your continued feedback, as well as reflections and sharing – just drop us a line at
Christina Stanley
Dr Oliver Seet is a member of Wesley Methodist Church and a Board Director of the Metropolitan YMCA.