
Serving God as a family: GC WSCS Thanksgiving Service 2024

Group photo of speaker and participants of WSCS Thanksgiving Service
Group photo of speaker and participants of WSCS Thanksgiving Service

On 6 January 2024 at Short Street Tamil Methodist Church, ladies from the three Annual Conferences gathered for their annual Thanksgiving Service to praise God for his faithfulness to the ministry of the General Conference Women’s Society of Christian Service (GC WSCS).

The service began with Ms Teo Suet Ehr, Vice-President of GC WSCS, leading the congregation with an opening prayer and call to worship. The prayer, based on Psalm 105:1-10, magnified his name and emphasised the reason for the gathering—to worship him and give thanks for his faithful presence in sustaining the GC WSCS throughout the generations.

The Praise & Worship team comprising Ms Angela Tan (TRAC), Mrs Florence Yee (CAC) and Mrs Gnanamany Philip (ETAC), together with pianist Mrs Grace Tan, then led in preparing the hearts of the ladies to hear the Word of God. It was a blessed time as the congregation raised their voices in praise to God with the hymns “Great is Thy Faithfulness” and “O for a Thousand Tongues”.

Ladies worshipping during WSCS Thanksgiving Service
Ladies worshipping during WSCS Thanksgiving Service
Speaker Rev James Nagulan delivering his Sermon
Speaker Rev James Nagulan delivering his Sermon

After a welcome given by Dr (Mrs) Teo Li Bee, President of GC WSCS, Rev James Nagulan, District Superintendent of ETAC, preached on “Serving God as a Family”, which is the GC WSCS 2024 theme based on Joshua 24:15. The Scripture text was read by Ms Neo Lay Tin (TRAC), Mrs Shireen Pandian (ETAC) and Ms Dawn Lim (CAC), and the sermon was translated into Mandarin by Ms Angela Tan.

Just as Joshua was on a mission for God, Rev Nagulan said that GC WSCS members were also called to build homes with God at the centre. He stressed that serving the Lord is not a call just for individuals but for families as well—“[b]ut as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” (Joshua 24:15).

ETAC Thanksgiving Item – Dance by Youths
ETAC Thanksgiving Item – Dance by Youths

Subsequently, led by Ms Deviki James, Vice-President of GC WSCS, each Annual Conference presented its thanksgiving item: a tambourine dance by ETAC WSCS youths, a worship dance and ukulele piece by CAC WSCS, and an interactive item by TRAC WSCS where everyone was taught how to make paper doves.

CAC WSCS Thanksgiving Item – Worship Dance (Let there be Praise)
CAC WSCS Thanksgiving Item – Worship Dance (Let there be Praise)
TRAC WSCS Thanksgiving Item – Interactive Item (Dove origami)
TRAC WSCS Thanksgiving Item – Interactive Item (Dove origami)

The service came to a close with the hymn “Be Thou My Vision” as the ladies sought and asked the Lord to be their vision and wisdom. With the benediction pronounced by Rev Dr Gregory Goh, President of CAC, the Thanksgiving Service came to an end. It was indeed a blessed time of fellowship with God and his people. May God continue to use the GC WSCS in fulfilling his purposes.

Mrs Gnanamany Philip is the Advisor for GC WSCS 2020-2024. / Photos courtesy of GC WSCS

