
Serving seniors, rethinking ministry models and prioritising the Great Commission

48th Session of the Chinese Annual Conference

(top left) CAC pastors and leadership (top right) Rev Dr Gregory Goh delivering the sermon at the Closing Service (bottom left) Closing Service recessional (bottom right) Presentation of Long Service Awards at the Opening Service

Church delegates gathered for the 48th Session of the Chinese Annual Conference (CAC) at the newly renovated Paya Lebar Chinese Methodist Church (PLCMC) from 13 to 16 November 2023.

Rev Dr Gregory Goh, President of CAC, shared his reflections on the Conference’s ministries.

Re-examining age-group ministries

CAC’s membership is approximately 14,600, and almost half (48%) of the members are aged 60 and above.

Given that the Conference membership reflected national population trends, Rev Dr Goh said it was “equally important” to invest in ministries for seniors as well as youth and young adult ministries. “This faithful segment of members has seen their church through its ups and downs; they also carry with them vast experience in the marketplace. We ought to care for them pastorally as we equip them with the understanding of today’s church ministry and encourage them to serve alongside the younger generations,” he said.

Serving seniors rethinking ministry models and prioritising the Great Commission2
CAC Church Members Age Profile 2023

Re-thinking ministry models

During the pandemic when places of worship had to close, the importance of at-home cell groups and ministry within the family took precedence. However, after the restrictions were lifted, ministries quickly reverted to pre-Covid ways, using the physical church building as the main location for ministry and church activities. “We limit ourselves to the space constraints of the church premise and subsequently deem it a necessity to rebuild or extend the church building when membership grows,” Rev Dr Goh said.

Instead, he challenged ministries to look beyond the church building. “Can we instead see homes, offices, cafés and parks as ‘extensions’, embrace ministry outside the walls of the church and extend God’s grace to more corners of society? … As a people called to be the salt and light of the world, we need to be out there in the world!”

Prioritising the Great Commission

The Church exists today solely to fulfil the Great Commission given by Jesus, which involves evangelism and discipleship. Given that, Rev Dr Goh said the health of these ministries should be the main indicators of churches’ “performance” and faithfulness to God.

“[John Wesley’s] zeal for lost souls to hear the Good News led him to allow for lay preachers and to start ministries such as education, medicine and publication. His zeal for evangelism and discipleship sits at the heart of Methodism and is exactly what I believe CAC should be marked by,” said Rev Dr Goh, reminding all that the Great Commission was non-negotiable.

Updates on CAC initiatives and ministries

Several CAC initiatives have gained momentum.

  • Loving Families Sunday and Carnival

With the success of the Loving Families Sunday and Carnival that took place in 2023, many members expressed a desire to see more events like this in the future. While decisions on future runs of the Carnival will be left to the next quadrennium’s Executive Board to make, the present Executive Board has approved and designated the last Sunday of every April to be Loving Families Sunday.

  • Illumine – Christian Worldview Curriculum

The project, which began in August 2022, is progressing well with the roll-out of Module 1 (Introduction to Worldviews). Two rounds of the Module 1 Leaders’ Training have been held and were attended by participants coming from various churches. To date, 23 curriculum leaders have been trained and the curriculum has been launched in three churches. The Illumine website was launched during the CAC Special Session on 23 July 2023.

  • Christian Counselling Ministry

A Basic Counselling Skills training held earlier this year saw the attendance of 48 CAC church members. Six individuals have been selected to serve as lay counsellors for two years (2024-2025). These individuals have each completed their 10-session Lay Counsellor course and are due to attend two group supervision sessions every month beginning January 2024. The counselling team currently consists of two trained counsellors and 13 counselling interns. Altogether, the team

has received 30 counselling cases thus far. A working committee was also formed to determine the structure and scope of this ministry and look into establishing the ministry under the President’s Office.

  • Schools Outreach Ministry Task Force (SOM_TF)

To encourage the deployment of more Christian Ministry Staff (CMS) into the Methodist Schools, a  CMS Salary Support Fund was set up to partially fund the salary of the CMSes employed by the churches.

  • North-East Outreach Strategic Planning Task Force (NEO_TF)

Key church leaders plan to form an Operations Committee to devise a strategy and budget to establish a new school/student outreach ministry in the area.

Ordination and retirement ceremony

The congregation joined in witnessing and celebrating the ordination of four new deacons: Rev Sharon Lee, Rev Teh You Siong, Rev Joseph Chen and Rev Gareth Yeo; as well as three new elders: Rev Joshua Ong, Rev Ong Bee Keow and Rev Timothy Ang. The dedicated service of Rev Paul Thian and Rev Chua Ooi Suah was recognised, both of whom retired at the Closing Service.

“Ordained ministers are representatives of Christ, called to self-emptying lives of obedience and servanthood,” Rev Dr Goh said. Working within an itinerant system, the President exhorted that both pastors and churches put their obedience into practice and, in turn, see God’s glory displayed in our midst.

A total of 59 pastors were appointed to our 17 churches this year. Rev Christopher Kong has also been appointed to take over Rev Chua Ooi Suah as the District Superintendent for District 4.

Memorial Service

A Memorial Service was held on 15 November to remember CAC pastors and spouses of pastors who passed away in 2023. They were the late Rev Goh Aik Hiang, the late Rev Seet Keng Tat, the late Rev Fong Mow Hee, and the late Mrs Lee Chin Ming (née Seet Siok Hing). In addition to the eulogies delivered in honour of them, the pastors of CAC also rendered the hymn, “Blessed Assurance”. Before the service concluded, service leader Rev Paul Thian invited Bishop Emeritus Dr Chong Chin Chung to lead in praying for the bereaved families before giving the benediction.

Reflections of newly ordained and retired pastors
(Translation by Charis So)

“Putting on my clergy shirt for the very first time, I am struck with a sense that my role has shifted in profound ways that are hard to articulate. To be high is to be low; to lead is to serve.”

~ Rev Gareth Yeo, Assistant Pastor at Grace Methodist Church


“In one of the training sessions, we were taught not to mistake the stole worn during ordination as a symbol of upgrade in status, but that it serves to remind everyone who wears it that they are a servant of God and his Church. I think this is an important reminder so that I may realign my attitudes during my ordination, to wholly offer myself in ministry, knowing that I am serving God and his Church, and avoid being held hostage by other thoughts.”

~ Rev Teh You Siong, Assistant Pastor at Bukit Panjang Methodist Church


“God has a great sense of humour. I am naturally timid and dislike changes, yet I was sent out nine times to eight different churches. My journey in ministry is thoroughly an adventure. God was with me, and he sent many co-workers. I did some counting and there were altogether 38 of them. Among them were teachers, elders, younger comrades and fellow believers. And of course, the one who journeyed with me for the longest time is my wife.”

~ Rev Chua Ooi Suah, one of the retiring pastors

2024 华人年议会委任表

Chinese Annual Conference Appointments 2024

华人年议会会长:吴乃力牧师(博士) CAC President: Rev Dr Gregory Goh Nai Lat

District 1

District Superintendent 教区长
Rev Lek Yong Teck

Geylang Chinese MC 芽笼堂
Pastor-in-Charge 主理
Rev Simon Cheo Hsun Shen 石训深牧师

Associate Pastor 协理
Rev Chin Yan Chong 陈元昌牧师

Paya Lebar Chinese MC / Paya Lebar Methodist Mission
Pastor-in-Charge 主理
Rev Dr David Koh Ah Chye 许亚才牧师(博士)

Associate Pastors 协理
Rev Ng Beng Keow 黄明娇牧师
Rev Wilfred Leow Hui Ann 廖惠安牧师
Rev Boey Kok Yeow 梅国耀牧师
Rev Peter Pan Seng Tai 宾昇泰牧师

Changi MC 樟宜堂
Pastor-in-Charge 主理
Rev Ong Bee Keow 王美娇牧师

Charis MC 颂恩堂
Pastor-in-Charge 主理
Rev Lui Yuan Tze 雷远智牧师

Associate Pastor 协理
Rev Dr Alex Chng Peng Lian 庄炳亮牧师(博士)
Rev Jasper Ngoh Jun Jie 吴钧杰牧师
Rev Poh Heow Lee (PT) 傅後利牧师 (部分)

Sengkang MC 盛港堂
Pastor-in-Charge 主理
Rev Dr Niam Kai Huey 严家慧牧师(博士)

Associate Pastors 协理
Rev Tan-Yeo Lay Suan 陈杨丽旋牧师
Rev Andy Goh Yik Wah 吴毅华牧师
Rev Ong Bee Keow (dual appt) 王美娇牧师 (兼)

Assistant Pastor 助理
Rev Shawn Koh Shin Jan 许巽然牧师

Attachment 隶属
Rev Lisa Yu Li Hsin 俞丽鑫牧师
Rev Dr Nathanael Goh Jun Chuen 吴俊强牧师(博士)

District 2

District Superintendent 教区长
Rev Andy Goh Yik Wah

Telok Ayer Chinese MC / TA2
Pastor-in-Charge 主理
Rev Edmund Koh Lik Hng 许立欣牧师

Associate Pastors 协理
Rev Irman Halim 林恩信牧师
Rev Glenn Tan Tze Meng 陈书铭牧师
Rev Patrick Lim Kok Chu 林国柱牧师
Rev Lin Ming Zhong 林明忠牧师
Assistant Pastor 助理
Rev Sharon Lee Li Ping 李丽萍牧师

Bukit Panjang MC
Pastor-in-Charge 主理
Rev Lek Yong Teck 陸永德牧师

Associate Pastors 协理
Rev Paul Thian Moon Hee 程文喜牧师
Rev Christopher Louis Kong Chung Dai 江宗大牧师

Assistant Pastor 助理
Rev Teh You Siong 郑有祥牧师

Preacher 传道
Pr Jason Lee Le’En 李乐恩传道

Attachment 隶属
Rev Erick Tan Eng Ghee 陈英意牧师
Rev Dr Andrew Peh Swee Kian 白瑞健牧师(博士)

Grace MC 恩典堂
Pastor-in-Charge 主理
Rev Dr Ian Jew Yun Shern 尤永深牧师(博士)

Associate Pastor 协理
Rev Eric Soh Wai Foon (Jan to Mar) 苏伟峰牧师

Assistant Pastor 助理
Rev Gareth Yeo Yong Tai 杨泳泰牧师

Preacher 传道
Pr Michael Lee Swee Yen 李瑞缘传道

Holy Covenant MC 恩约堂
Pastor-in-Charge 主理
Rev Florence Ngu Siew Ning 吴晓宁牧师

Associate Pastor 协理
Rev Timothy Ang Pei-Zheng 洪培正牧师

District 3

District Superintendent 教区长
Rev Helen Hoe Chiew Ngin

Foochow MC 福灵堂
Pastor-in-Charge 主理
Rev Lau Chong Yaw 刘昌耀牧师

Associate Pastors 协理
Rev Patrick Chen Guek Fah 曾国华牧师
Rev Peace Choi Pyong Hwa 崔平和牧师

Hinghwa MC 天道堂
Pastor-in-Charge 主理
Rev Chu Vee Ping 周伟平牧师

Associate Pastor 协理
Rev Peter Soh Kee Lie 苏圻利牧师

Kum Yan MC 感恩堂
Pastor-in-Charge 主理
Rev Philip Lim Kian Leong 林建隆牧师

Associate Pastor 协理
Rev Stefanie Oh Wen-Ying 胡文莹牧师

Assistant Pastor 助理
Rev Joseph Chen Yongchang 陈勇畅牧师

Attachment 隶属
Rev Dr Wilfred Ho Wai Tat 何威达牧师(博士)

Hakka MC 天恩堂
Pastor-in-Charge 主理
Rev Jasper Sim Shenq Chyi 沈圣奇牧师

Associate Pastor 协理
Rev Nathanael Chew Eng Pin 周永斌牧师

Yishun Methodist Mission 义顺北宣堂
Pastor-in-Charge 主理
Rev Bernard Chng Chun Yong 庄俊勇牧师

Associate Pastor 协理
Rev Chua Ooi Suah (PT) 蔡伟山牧师 (部分)

District 4

District Superintendent 教区长
Rev Christopher Louis Kong

Queenstown Chinese MC 女皇镇堂
Pastor-in-Charge 主理
Rev Ling Tieng Ngung 林天源牧师

Associate Pastors 协理
Rev Anne Lim Ai Lei 林爱莉牧师
Rev Eric Soh Wai Foon (Apr to Dec) 苏伟峰牧师
Rev Jacqueline Ho Sow Fong 何秀芳牧师
Rev Wang Hai Bin 王海斌牧师

Ang Mo Kio Chinese MC 宏茂桥堂
Pastor-in-Charge 主理
Rev Tack Ng Lai Chun 吴丽真牧师

Associate Pastor 协理
Rev Koh Chew Hai 许就凯牧师

Preacher 传道
Pr Jonathan Huang Jingquan 黄敬权传道

Toa Payoh Chinese MC 大巴窑堂
Pastor-in-Charge 主理
Rev Helen Hoe Chiew Ngin 何秋吟牧师

Associate Pastor 协理
Rev Joshua Ong Chee Xiang 王志翔牧师

2024 年会督特别委任本年议会教牧
2024 CAC Pastors’ Special Appointment by

Associate Director of Christian Ministry in Schools 学校圣工副主任
Rev Edmund Koh Lik Hng 许立欣牧师
Rev Jasper Ngoh Jun Jie 吴钧杰牧师

Methodist School Chaplains 卫理学校校牧
Rev Bernard Chng 庄俊勇牧师
Rev Boey Kok Yeow 梅国耀牧师
Rev Christopher Kong 江宗大牧师
Rev Dr David Koh 许亚才牧师(博士)
Rev Edmund Koh 许立欣牧师
Rev Gareth Yeo 杨泳泰牧师
Rev Glenn Tan 陈书铭牧师
Rev Irman Halim 林恩信牧师
Rev Jasper Ngoh 吴钧杰牧师
Rev Jasper Sim 沈圣奇牧师
Rev Joseph Chen 陈勇畅牧师
Rev Joshua Ong 王志翔牧师
Rev Lek Yong Teck 陆永德牧师
Rev Lui Yuan Tze 雷远智牧师

Rev Ong Bee Keow 王美娇牧师

Rev Patrick Chen 曾国华牧师
Rev Paul Thian 程文喜牧师
Rev Peace Choi 崔平和牧师
Rev Peter Pan 宾升泰牧师
Rev Simon Cheo 石训深牧师
Rev Tan-Yeo Lay Suan 陈杨丽旋牧师
Rev Teh You Siong 郑有祥牧师
Rev Timothy Ang 洪培正牧师
Rev Wilfred Leow 廖惠安牧师
Pr Jason Lee 李乐恩传道
Pr Jonathan Huang 黄敬权传道
Pr Michael Lee 李瑞缘传道

Missionaries with MMS 卫理宣教会宣教士
Rev Cassandra Lee Boon Eng 李文英牧师

Director, Centre for Missions Analysis, Reconstruction and Development (MMS) 卫理宣教会宣教分析、重组和发展中心主任
Rev Erick Tan Eng Ghee 陈英意牧师

Director, Disciple Agency ‘门徒机构’主任
Rev Lisa Yu Li Hsin 俞丽鑫牧师

BY PRESIDENT 2024年会长特别委任

Trinity Theological College Principal & Lecturer 三一神学院院长及讲师
Rev Dr Edwin Tay Ed Min 郑益民牧师(博士)

Lecturers at Trinity Theological College & Chaplains to CAC Students at Trinity Theological College
Rev Dr Wilfred Ho Wai Tat 何威达牧师(博士)
Local Church Attachment 隶属: Kum Yan MC 感恩堂

Rev Dr Andrew Peh Swee Kian 白瑞健牧师(博士)
Local Church Attachment 隶属: Bukit Panjang MC 武吉班让堂

Rev Dr Nathanael Goh Jun Chuen 吴俊强牧师(博士)
Local Church Attachment 隶属: Sengkang MC 盛港堂

Lady Chaplains to CAC Students at Trinity Theological College
Rev Helen Hoe Chiew Ngin 何秋吟牧师

Faculty in Development 储备讲师
Rev Timothy Ang Pei-Zheng 洪培正牧师

Re-engagement of Retired Pastors 重聘退休教牧
Rev Poh Heow Lee (Part-Time)
傅后利牧师 (部分)
Rev Chua Ooi Suah (Part-Time)
蔡伟山牧师 (部分)
Rev Paul Thian 程文喜牧师

Principal, Four Denominations Institute of Elderly
Rev Khoo Cheng Hoot (Honorary)

Supernumerary 额外传道
Rev Cynthia Choo Bee Lay 周美丽牧师

Article by CAC Comms Team. / Photos by Ray Chang and Joshua Khoo

