“SHAPED by the Word” will be the theme for Aldersgate Convention 2006, Aldersgate to be held next Convention May from 24 to 2006 27. The keynote speaker will be the Rev Dr M. Robert Mulholland Jr, a New Testament professor at Asbury Theological Seminary.
Planning is under way for the four-day preaching and teaching event, which will begin on May 24 with the Aldersgate Service at the Lee Kong Chian Auditorium, ACS (Barker Road).
The Aldersgate Service is to commemorate the anniversary of John Wesley’s experience of assurance in 1738. This will be followed by nightly talks on May 25 through May 27.
A one-day seminar on “Christianity Explored” will take place at Methodist Centre, Barker Road, on May 27. Christianity Explored is an evangelistic programme similar to Alpha Course, developed by the All Souls Church in London. The seminar will mark the introduction of the programme to our Methodist churches. The DISCIPLE Agency has been given the task to work with the organisers of the programme.
An annual event of The Methodist Church in Singapore, Aldersgate is intended to bring the whole Methodist family together to be renewed according to key themes in our Wesleyan heritage. This year’s key Wesleyan theme is “Scripture”.
The convention has, each year, brought in a variety of respected church leaders and scholars, including Dr Ajith Fernando from Sri Lanka, the Rev Dr Geoffrey Wainwright and the Rev Dr Karen Westerfield Tucker, both from the United States.
The Rev Dr Mulholland Jr has written and taught significantly in two areas, the New Testament and on spiritual formation.
Methodists are encouraged to mark their calendars for next May 24-27.