ASTROPHYSICIST- THEOLOGIAN David Wilkinson is the keynote speaker for the six-day Aldersgate Convention 2007, addressing the theme “The Heavens Declare His Glory: Science and Christian Faith”.
He received his Ph.D in Theoretical Astrophysics in 1987 at Durham. He went on to do his ministerial training at Wesley House, Cambridge and ministered at three Methodist churches.
In 2004 he received his second Ph.D, this time in Systematic Theology, also from Durham. He is active in the World Methodist Council.
While capable of speaking and writing authoritatively in such diverse fields as theology and astrophysics, he has always enjoyed meeting up with youth.
The convention begins with the Adult and Youth Seminars on May 19 and concludes with the Aldersgate Service on May 24.
The Aldersgate Convention is an annual opportunity for Methodists in Singapore to affirm their unity in Christ as they gather together to explore their Wesleyan heritage. In the past, topics have focused on Methodist understandings of the Bible, Tradition, Reason and Experience.
On Sunday night, May 20, the Methodist School of Music will take the lead in the Aldersgate Hymn Festival at Victoria Concert Hall. Celebrating the Tercentenniel of Charles Wesley, the Hymn Festival will feature several new Asian musical settings for his hymns.
The convention continues with three talks the following three evenings on May 21, 22 and 23, with the themes: “God, the Big Bang and Stephen Hawking”, “Are we alone in the universe? SETI (Search for Extra-terrestrial Intelligence) and God”, and “Left behind, Frozen or Fried?” Beginning at 7.45 pm, the talks will be held at the new Centre for Performing Arts at ACS (Independent) at Dover Road.
Church members are encouraged to invite their friends and family members.
At the Aldersgate Service on Thursday evening, May 24, the Rev Dr Wilkinson will preach on the topic “The Supremacy of Jesus”. The service, to begin at 7.45 pm, will also be held at the Centre for Performing Arts at ACS (Independent).