Highlights from the President’s Report
Developing a Disciple-Making framework for CAC
In his President’s Report, Rev Dr Goh gave an update on CAC’s goal to become a Disciple-Making (DM) Conference. This was spearheaded in Oct 2021 with the goal to focus on discipleship and to consolidate the various disciple-making models of the local churches so that a DM pathway template could be created for all CAC churches to take reference from and adapt for their own needs and culture. Five churches have developed their own DM models and are now in a position to share their best practices and experiences with the other CAC churches.
Rev Dr Goh recognised that pastors may be differently equipped to carry out DM work but reminded all that while this is not an easy task, it is still a necessary one and encouraged all to press on.
Focus on strengthening family life
One key event slated for 2023 that was highlighted in Rev Dr Goh’s report is a conference-wide family-themed event— “Loving Families”—which will be held on 1 May 2023. This idea arose from a meeting with ministry-board chairpersons, who agreed that a fundamental strategy to strengthen family life was necessary to send a clear message of CAC’s commitment to the family structure and values as set out in the Bible, especially in view of the Government’s repeal of S377A. An organising committee is in the process of being set up.
Outreach efforts
With the change in residential landscape in the northeast region of Singapore, a new task force has been set up to address CAC outreach efforts there. Currently there are two local conferences in this region, namely, Sengkang Methodist Church and Changi Methodist Church.
At schools, Rev Dr Goh pointed out that while there were CAC pastors appointed as chaplains in all Methodist schools, there were only four Christian Ministry Staff (CMS) in three schools. “We can go for overseas short-term mission trips, pump in large sums of money in missions, yet we neglect such a big harvest field that allows us to labour on throughout the year?” he said. He therefore challenged churches to encourage their members to consider taking up a CMS role as their vocation.
A new CAC VP
On the second day of the Annual Conference, the CAC Vice President (VP) for 2023-2024 was elected. The present VP, Mr Guan Yeow Kwang, is completing his third 2-year term (2017-2022). The VP-elect is Dr Stephen Yeo, who has spent 20+ years serving in Bukit Panjang Methodist Church’s LCEC as Lay Leader and Chairman, and is serving in his 16th year as Chairman of St Francis Methodist School’s Board of Directors. Dr Yeo spent 20 years in the Singapore Armed Forces in strategic planning.
The connexional church and system of appointments
At the Closing Ceremony, which is when new pastoral appointments are announced, Rev Dr Goh reminded the clergy present that the bedrock of the Methodist connexional church is the system of itinerant ministers and ministerial appointments that John Wesley started—with the purpose of upholding an apostolic mission given by God. He assured them that the appointments had considered the needs and concerns of the pastors as well as feedback from the churches and District Superintendents. He shared the concern that the process sometimes leaned towards a secular negotiation, but the “established structure had its sacredness” and there was a need to submit to this system in order to grow and expand the Church.
A total of six elders were ordained at the Closing Ceremony. They are Rev Bernard Chng Chun Yong, Rev Florence Ngu Siew Ning, Rev Lin Ming Zhong, Rev Dr Nathanael Goh Jun Chuen, Rev Patrick Lim Kok Chu and Rev Wang Hai Bin.
Ending the night with a rallying call, Rev Dr Goh referred to Wesley’s Large Minutes, where Wesley asks how Methodist preachers should be viewed. The answer? Methodist preachers are “messengers sent by the Lord… to reform the nation by spreading scriptural holiness over the land”.
Rev Dr Goh said that our faith was not just based on having certainty of eternal life, but also having “a holy influence” in the present life. Quoting Henry H Knight III, he said, “Wesley believed God had called the Methodists to proclaim in addition the promise of a new life before death, a life whose motivations, actions, and relationships [was] governed by love for God and neighbour. It was this that made the Methodist mission distinctive.”
2023华人年议会委任表 Chinese Annual Conference Appointments List 2023 | ||
华人年议会会长:吴乃力牧师(博士) CAC President: Rev Dr Gregory Goh Nai Lat | ||
第一教区 District 1 教区长 DS: 陸永德牧师Rev Lek Yong Teck |
第二教区 District 2
教区长 DS: 吴毅华牧师 Rev Andy Goh Yik Wah |
芽笼堂 Geylang Chinese Methodist Church
主理 Pastor-in-charge 程文喜牧师 Rev Paul Thian Moon Hee 协理 Associate Pastor 石训深牧师 Rev Simon Cheo Hsun Shen
巴耶黎峇堂/巴耶礼峇美以美宣教站 Paya Lebar CMC / Paya Lebar Methodist Mission 主理 Pastor-in-charge 许亚才牧师(博士)Rev Dr David Koh Ah Chye 协理 Associate Pastor 黄明娇牧师 Rev Ng Beng Keow 廖惠安牧师 Rev Wilfred Leow Hui Ann 梅国耀牧师 Rev Boey Kok Yeow 宾升泰牧师 Rev Peter Pan Seng Tai
颂恩堂 Charis Methodist Church 主理 Pastor-in-charge 雷远智牧师 Rev Lui Yuan Tze 协理 Associate Pastor 庄炳亮牧师(博士)Rev Dr Alex Chng Peng Lian 崔平和牧师 Rev Peace Choi Pyong Hwa 重聘牧师(部分)Re-engagement of Pastor (PT) 傅後利牧师 Rev Poh Heow Lee
盛港堂 Sengkang Methodist Church 主理 Pastor-in-charge 严家慧牧师(博士)Rev Dr Niam Kai Huey 协理 Associate Pastor 陈杨丽旋牧师 Rev Tan-Yeo Lay Suan 助理 Assistant Pastor 王美娇牧师 Rev Ong Bee Keow 传道 Preacher 李瑞缘传道Pr Michael Lee Swee Yen 隶属 Attachment 俞丽鑫牧师 Rev Lisa Yu Li Hsin 吴俊强牧师(博士)Rev Dr Nathanael Goh Jun Chuen
樟宜堂 / 榜鹅宣教站事工 Changi Methodist Church / Punggol Preaching Point 主理(兼)Pastor-in-charge (Dual appointment) 严家慧牧师(博士)Rev Dr Niam Kai Huey 助理 Assistant Pastor 许巽然牧师 Rev Shawn Koh Shin Jan |
Telok Ayer Chinese Methodist Church / TA2 主理 Pastor-in-charge 蔡伟山牧师 Rev Chua Ooi Suah 协理 Associate Pastor 许立欣牧师 Rev Edmund Koh Lik Hng 吴钧杰牧师 Rev Jasper Ngoh Jun Jie [1 May 2023 onwards] 林国柱牧师 Rev Patrick Lim Kok Chu 林明忠牧师 Rev Lin Ming Zhong 传道 Preacher 李丽萍传道 Pr Sharon Lee Li Ping
武吉班让堂 Bukit Panjang Methodist Church 主理 Pastor-in-charge 陸永德牧师 Rev Lek Yong Teck 协理 Associate Pastor 陈英意牧师 Rev Erick Tan Eng Ghee 江宗大牧师 Rev Christopher Louis Kong Chung Dai 传道 Preacher 郑有祥传道 Pr Teh You Siong
白瑞健牧师(博士)Rev Dr Andrew Peh Swee Kian
恩典堂 Grace Methodist Church 主理 Pastor-in-charge 尤永深牧师(博士)Rev Dr Ian Jew Yun Shern 协理 Associate Pastor 苏伟峰牧师 Rev Eric Soh Wai Foon 传道 Preacher 杨泳泰传道 Pr Gareth Yeo Yong Tai
恩约堂Holy Covenant Methodist Church 主理 Pastor-in-charge 吴晓宁牧师 Rev Florence Ngu Siew Ning 助理 Assistant Pastor 洪培正牧师 Rev Timothy Ang Pei-Zheng |
第三教区 District 3 教区长 DS: 何秋吟牧师 Rev Helen Hoe Chiew Ngin |
第四教区 District 4
教区长 DS: 蔡伟山牧师 Rev Chua Ooi Suah |
福灵堂 Foochow Methodist Church
主理 Pastor-in-charge 刘昌耀牧师 Rev Lau Chong Yaw 协理 Associate Pastor 吴毅华牧师 Rev Andy Goh Yik Wah 曾国华牧师 Rev Patrick Chen Guek Fah
天道堂 Hinghwa Methodist Church 主理 Pastor-in-charge 周伟平牧师 Rev Chu Vee Ping 协理 Associate Pastor 苏圻利牧师 Rev Peter Soh Kee Lie
感恩堂/感恩堂(兀兰) Kum Yan Methodist Church / Kum Yan Methodist Church (Woodland) 主理 Pastor-in-charge 林建隆牧师 Rev Philip Lim Kian Leong 传道 Preacher 陈勇畅传道 Pr Joseph Chen Yong Chang 隶属 Attachment 何威达牧师(博士)Rev Dr Wilfred Ho Wai Tat
天恩堂 Hakka Methodist Church 主理 Pastor-in-charge 沈圣奇牧师 Rev Jasper Sim Shenq Chyi 协理 Associate Pastor 周永斌牧师 Rev Nathanael Chew Eng Pin
义顺北宣堂 Yishun Methodist Mission 主理 Pastor-in-charge 周美丽牧师 Rev Cynthia Choo Bee Lay 协理 Associate Pastor 庄俊勇牧师 Rev Bernard Chng Chun Yong |
女皇镇堂 Queenstown Chinese Methodist Church
主理 Pastor-in-charge 林天源牧师 Rev Ling Tieng Ngung 协理 Associate Pastor 林爱莉牧师 Rev Anne Lim Ai Lei 何秀芳牧师 Rev Jacqueline Ho Sow Fong 王海斌牧师 Rev Wang Hai Bin 助理 Assistant Pastor 王志翔牧师 Rev Joshua Ong Chee Xiang
宏茂桥堂 Ang Mo Kio Chinese Methodist Church 主理 Pastor-in-charge 何秋吟牧师 Rev Helen Hoe Chiew Ngin 协理 Associate Pastor 许就凯牧师 Rev Koh Chew Hai
大巴窑堂 Toa Payoh Chinese Methodist Church 主理 Pastor-in-charge 陈元昌牧师 Rev Chin Yan Chong 协理 Associate Pastor 陈书铭牧师 Rev Glenn Tan Tze Meng |
2023 CAC Pastors’ Special Appointment by Bishop |
2023 Special Appointment by President |
学校圣工副主任 Associate Director of Christian Ministry in Schools:
许立欣牧师 Rev Edmund Koh
卫理学校校牧 Methodist School Chaplains: 陆永德牧师 Rev Lek Yong Teck 陈英意牧师 Rev Erick Tan 江宗大牧师 Rev Christopher Kong 郑有祥传道 Pr Teh You Siong 许巽然牧师 Rev Shawn Koh 陈书铭牧师 Rev Glenn Tan 杨泳泰传道 Pr Gareth Yeo 陈勇畅传道 Pr Joseph Chen 石训深牧师 Rev Simon Cheo 庄俊勇牧师 Rev Bernard Chng 许亚才牧师(博士)Rev Dr David Koh 曾国华牧师 Rev Patrick Chen 宾升泰牧师 Rev Peter Pan 雷远智牧师 Rev Lui Yuan Tze 周美丽牧师 Rev Cynthia Choo 梅国耀牧师 Rev Boey Kok Yeow 程文喜牧师 Rev Paul Thian 廖惠安牧师 Rev Wilfred Leow 王美娇牧师 Rev Ong Bee Keow 王志翔牧师 Rev Joshua Ong 李瑞缘传道 Pr Michael Lee 许立欣牧师 Rev Edmund Koh 洪培正牧师 Rev Timothy Ang 陈杨丽旋牧师 Rev Tan-Yeo Lay Suan 薛庆达牧师 Rev Seet Keng Tat 沈圣奇牧师 Rev Jasper Sim 崔平和牧师 Rev Peace Choi [From 1 Jul 2023 onwards] 吴钧杰牧师 Rev Jasper Ngoh [From 1 May 2023 onwards]
宣教士 Missionaries with MMS: 李文英牧师 Rev Cassandra Lee Boon Eng
‘门徒机构’ 主任 Director of Disicple Agency: 俞丽鑫牧师 Rev Lisa Yu Li Hsin |
三一神学院院长及讲师 Trinity Theological College Principal & Lecturer:
郑益民牧师(博士)Rev Dr Edwin Tay Ed Min
三一神学院讲师及华人年议会三一神学生院牧 Lecturers at Trinity Theological College & Chaplains to CAC Students at Trinity Theological College: 何威达牧师(博士)Rev Dr Wilfred Ho Wai Tat 隶属:感恩堂Local Church Attachment: Kum Yan MC
白瑞健牧师(博士)Rev Dr Andrew Peh Swee Kian 隶属:武吉班让堂 Local Church Attachment: Bukit Panjang MC
吴俊强牧师(博士)Rev Dr Nathanael Goh Jun Chuen 隶属:盛港堂Local Church Attachment: Sengkang MC
四宗乐龄学院院长 Principal, Institute of Elderly: 邱仁发牧师(义务) Rev Khoo Cheng Hoot (Honorary)
安息年(1年)/ Sabbatical (1 year): 吴丽真牧师 Rev Tack Ng Lai Chun 林恩信牧师 Rev Irman Halim |