Bishop Dr Gordon Wong is well-known for his golfing skills and has won several local charity golf tournaments. And as every good golfer and sportsman attests, Bishop Dr Wong believes that playing well requires practice and discipline.
“My fitness regime? I play golf once or twice a week with friends and my 99-year-old dad. I also try to fit in tennis once a week with my brother and friends, but doubles only, please!” shared Bishop candidly as he also revealed that he regularly clocks 10,000 steps a day.
“1 Timothy 4:8 tells us that although spiritual health and discipline are the most important, physical health and discipline are also important,” he continues.
As proof of his belief, Bishop accepted the invitation of Methodist Welfare Services (MWS) to take part in MWS Empowerun, a virtual run held in conjunction with MWS’ 40th Anniversary celebrations this year. Participants may choose to complete 20km or 40km cumulatively from 23 Oct to 7 Nov 2021, and fundraise by getting supporters to donate to MWS. MWS hopes to raise $600,000, and all funds will be channelled towards its 20 critical programmes that serve the disadvantaged and distressed.
COVID-19 has surfaced new vulnerabilities in society. In addition to their financial constraints, many are struggling with their mental and emotional health. Between April 2020 and March 2021, MWS Family Service Centres saw a sharp spike in the number of people who experienced family violence, financial issues and family issues.
While the virtual run is not a marathon, completing distances like 20km or 40km does require some level of mental toughness. By joining MWS Empowerun, participants demonstrate their own resilience and their enduring support for those in need, and encourage them to persevere through their challenges.
“MWS helps us find ways to Love God by Loving Our Neighbour with acts of kindness and love. This is especially important in the midst of this very distressing and difficult period. I hope my participation in MWS Empowerun will remind us ‘to run the race’ and ‘spur each other on to good works’,” said Bishop Dr Wong.
Sign Up Today @
MWS Empowerun
Event period: 23 Oct–7 Nov 2021
Run format: Complete a 20km or 40km virtual run
The distance can be cumulative over the event period
Registration fee: $40/pax
Participants will each receive a runner’s pack consisting a backpack and a runner’s T-shirt
For enquiries, please email
By the Methodist Welfare Services (MWS) Communications Team / Photo courtesy of Bishop Dr Gordon Wong