In his congratulatory message to the congregation of Tamil Methodist Church (TMC) at Short Street, Bishop Dr Chong Chin Chung highlighted that TMC was amongst the eight local Methodist churches in Singapore that are 100 years and older. In gratitude, we remember those who have dutifully committed to the principles and purpose of Christ when He established this church.
Among the 300 attendees were families spanning three generations, which the Bishop described as a “wonderful and beautiful witness to the church’s faithfulness in passing on the Gospel from generation to generation”.
Bishop Dr Chong reminded the congregation that salvation was only through God’s grace, and being His people, we are to guard the Truth and keep the right values, passing on sound teaching from generation to generation.
The worship service included praise responses from three of our choirs; the largest choir of that day was that of the Indian Friends’ Fellowship, TMC’s first Ministry at the Doorstep. This Fellowship, comprising families of Indian nationals, celebrated its Silver Jubilee on 2 Sep 2017.
To commemorate TMC’s 130th Anniversary, a book entitled In Christ We Stand was launched. Through the use of photographs and stories, the book traces the history of TMC. It also includes testimonies of both clergy and laity who have left their spiritual footprints, and the various ministries of TMC from the beginning to the present.
Undergirding the book was the theme of being labourers in God’s vineyard, passing on the faith and labour of love from generation to generation. The book reminds us that God has put TMC here for a definite purpose: to worship Him and to pass on the Christian faith.
Veronica Poore –
is a member of Tamil Methodist Church.
Photo courtesy of Tamil Methodist Church