As a second-generation Christian, I never really thought much about the Methodist identity while I was growing up. But after attending the annual MCS Aldersgate conference, listening to sermons and stories about John Wesley and his family, and talking with others, I slowly started to learn about what it means to be a Methodist.
When I volunteered to draw comics about the life of John Wesley for CAC News, I learnt not just about what Wesley did, and about his family, but my research also gave me insight into life back then—such as what they wore and how they lived.
I was struck by how Wesley rode his horse and preached outdoors, in the fields and near coal mines, reaching out to the working class who may not have had the opportunity to enter a church or hear the gospel. I learnt how the “holy club” was formed, which might have inspired the cell groups of today. The members of holy club not only came together to pray and read the Bible, but also did community work such as visiting those in prison and helping the poor.
I have come to see that the Church is a community that I am a part of. We worship together, do our best to care for our brothers and sisters, help and give as much as we can to those who are in need, be it locally or abroad. Part of being a Methodist is to love our neighbours and be a responsible partner in a society.
Lois Chng is a member of Toa Payoh CMC and the artist of CAC News’ “I Am John Wesley” cartoon (