Telugu Methodist Church (Singapore) celebrated its 10th anniversary in July 2018. We give thanks to God for His faithfulness during our amazing journey.
The pioneering ministry among Telugu-speaking friends in Singapore officially began in April 2000 at the Tamil Methodist Church on Short Street. The Rev R. Prabhu and the then-pastors of the church brought together four Telugu brothers with the vision to preach the gospel to Telugu speakers in Singapore.
The Lord has blessed its humble beginnings and on 28 July 2008, the Telugu Methodist Church (Singapore) was constituted. Many have served sacrificially in the ministry and it has since grown by leaps and bounds.
During its early days, the services were filled with young brothers who worked in construction and shipping. With the influx of IT expatriates into Singapore, there is now also the need to minister to the sizable number of families and children who have begun to worship at the church. Prayer fellowships have been organised to enable the families to bond with one another, walk closely with Christ and engage with Scripture. Today, many families serve in the church ministries. Praise God!
The cell group ministry at various dorms and hostels continues to bring joy and hope into many lives. The cell groups, which mostly gather on pavements under street lamps, have become nuclei for outreach and evangelism. Many migrant brothers have been able to hear the gospel for the first time in an informal setting.
The ministry to Telugu domestic helpers provides comfort and healing. Bible studies and prayer fellowships are conducted regularly on Sundays to enable the sisters to grow in God’s Word and enjoy Christian fellowship.
SEVA, a ministry among migrant workers at Westlite Dormitory in Mandai, brings hope and joy through its befriending and para-counselling ministries, as well as through English and computer classes.
Please join us! The harvest is plentiful…but the labourers few. Together, we can make a difference for God’s kingdom by winning Telugu friends in Singapore for Christ and being a blessing to the community.
The Rev Anil Samuel is the Pastor-in-Charge of Telugu Methodist Church.
Moving forward, the church’s focus is to:
- expand SEVA to a few more dormitories and hostels with committed volunteers
- introduce a discipleship programme for church families
- equip new leaders for the cell group ministry
Telugu Methodist Church (Singapore)
(Emmanuel Tamil Annual Conference)
c/o Tamil Methodist Church 8 Short Street, S(188214)
Sunday Services
Telugu Service: 7.00 p.m.
8611-7374 (The Rev Anil Samuel)
Photos courtesy of Telugu Methodist Church (Singapore)