Missions, Outreach

‘Thank you very much for your partnership’

MMS Volunteers’ Appreciation Night

THE METHODIST MISSIONS SOCIETY (MMS) celebrated Volunteers’ Appreciation Night at Sophia Blackmore Hall on Jan 7, 2011. It was an opportunity for the MMS to express heartfelt thanks and gratitude to the many individuals who have contributed their time, talents, knowledge and experience to it.

We said “ ank You” in recognition of their passionate engagement and partnership to help in our mission work of church planting and community development.

The night started off with worship and an exaltation by Bishop Dr Robert Solomon. He shared that it takes a community of volunteers coming together in faith, hope and love to do God’s work. He referred to Luke 5:18-20, which describes how several men carried a paralytic on a mat and lowered him through a roof to lay him before Jesus. ese men, as pointed out by the Bishop, represented the community of volunteers who helped to meet the needs of the needy, and through their faith in God, their deed glorified God’s power.

The Bishop also aptly said that God is the Conductor and we – the MMS and the community of volunteers – are His orchestra. rough God’s guidance, we together are harmonised to bring forth His glory and goodness. Our joy then, is to hear God says of us, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” (Matt 25:23 NIV).

Later, MMS Chairman Chou Fang Soong thanked and acknowledged the prayers, support, gifts and personal involvement of more than 700 volunteers mobilised from 44 Methodist Churches.

Executive Director Rev Lawrence Chua and Area Director Col (Ret) Quek Koh Eng then gave updates on the work of the MMS.

The Rev Chua updated the volunteers on the programmes of training of pastors, church planting and community development in Laos, Vietnam, ailand and Cambodia.

Col (Ret) Quek said that the MMS’ mission is to establish 800 indigenous, self-supporting, disciple-making churches by 2020. He said that the Nepal work is “going strong” through its national pastors and evangelists where four churches and nine preaching points have been established.

In China, there has been an explosive growth in the last four years with 13 mission centres established to equip national pastors and leaders. ere is also the relocation of Firstlight HQ from Luoyuan to Nanchang to grow the university student ministry. Church planting efforts continue to develop elsewhere in China as well.

In Timor Leste, English and discipleship classes are conducted at the MMS Learning Centre in Gleno.

The volunteers were also treated to an MMS Appreciation Video. ey saw the work of their hands coming alongside with MMS staff to contribute, enrich and extend the love of Christ to those who have yet to receive Him.

Ms Emily Ng, a retired teacher and an ardent MMS volunteer, described her volunteer work as “meaningful and enjoyable”. She has participated as a volunteer for the past four years and helped out in areas like the Character Formation Team and holiday English camp in China. She gaily declared herself as an “odd-job labourer for Christ”.

The MMS continues to welcome individuals to be members of this community of volunteers. If you wish to know more, visit our homepage at http://www.mms.org.sg

Goh Teck Pek is Project Manager with the Methodist Missions Society.


Rev Philip Lim named Area Director for Mekong Delta region

THE REV PHILIP LIM KIAN LEONG (right) is now the Methodist Missions Society’s (MMS) Area Director for the Mekong Delta region, namely Cambodia, ailand, Vietnam and Laos.

The MMS looks forward to his contribution as he provides the leadership beyond Cambodia where he has been serving as the Cambodian Country Coordinator for the last six years. He continues to serve in this capacity.

He is married to Lydia, and they have a 13-year-old daughter, Olivia.

The Rev Lim said of his new appointment: “My first priority is to get all the churches in the region together to work on plans to fulfil our mission.

“I look forward to this challenge as well as the cooperation of my co-labourers.”

