Film / Book Reviews, Touch

The Eagles: A legacy of God-fearing ACSians

On Wings Of Eagles: Thirty-five years of spreading the Good News in Singapore and beyond
Author: Robert Goldsborough

EAGLES COMMUNICATIONS has existed for 35 years, and in that time it has undergone much growth and change: from a “gang” of teenagers fired with enthusiasm to do God’s work to a dynamic organisation still fired with enthusiasm for God’s work.

Robert Goldsborough’s book is an attempt to chronicle that ongoing process of growth. It traces the history of the Eagles from the time of the conversion of founder Peter Chao when he was a student at Anglo-Chinese School (ACS) in 1968 to the present day, with a strong emphasis on the testimonies of members and associates.

The core leaders of the organisation, most of them old boys of the school, are still together in leading and managing the ministry. Indeed, Eagles Communications can truly be considered a legacy of the work of God amongst ACSians.

Formerly a journalist with the Chicago Tribune for 21 years as well as a novelist, the author’s prose is competent and clear throughout, refreshingly free from the bombast usually associated with such books. He obviously writes from an American standpoint for a reader outside Asia, as witnessed by the need to explain the educational system in Singapore.

Culled from numerous interviews and printed materials, the quotes are numerous. The most telling are those from long-time members, speaking of the early days of the Eagles. They are warm and funny reminiscences, making the narrative personal and human, and providing a clear sense of the communal spirit that has persisted through the years and is still so vital a part of the Eagles ethos.

This is the best part of the book – the inspiring story of young men and women passionate for the Gospel, and growing in their walk with God.

The book is available from Eagles Communications at or Armour Publishing Pte Ltd at

Kenneth Quek is currently completing his Masters in English Literature at the National University of Singapore.

