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“The Christian has only one goal to achieve and that is running the “race” and completing it with the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit. We are coached daily to “seek after the heart of God”. This goal surpasses all others.”

ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FOUR GOALS were scored during the World Cup 2010 series by the teams of the participating countries. However, in the Final match only ONE goal was scored and the Cup went to Spain.

Many commentators have named the World Cup series as “the greatest show on earth”. How similar is this setting of goals and achieving them in our lives? All through life’s journey we set goals for ourselves; we pursue some and achieve only a handful and we believe that we have met with success.

Goal-setting gives us a plan and direction that we wish to take in our studies, career and personal life, such as when we will get married and at what age we will retire. Careful and wise people set goals that are achievable; they know their strengths and weaknesses and all available resources.

Just like all those skilful, well-trained world-class footballers, we know the importance of having goals and attaining them – it is the victory. All of life’s journey is the challenge of reaching this goal, and yet another, as there will always be some new challenge on the horizon.

The Christian has only one goal to achieve and that is running the “race”* and completing it with the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit. We are coached daily to “seek after the heart of God”.

This goal surpasses all others.

Just as in competitive sport, single-mindedness, vigorous and demanding discipline is required of us to win. We learn about our opponents’ strategies to defeat us; we are tempted to fall away from our daily training but the Coach calls us back to stay on His team as He will sustain us.

Christ Jesus never lost sight of His goal: going to the Cross so that we will be forgiven by God.

With God’s guidance, and God-given wisdom and courage in living our lives we will surely one day score that One Goal and see His face to receive “the heavenly prize”*. is victory will not be a “show” but our greatest achievement through Jesus Christ.

The Rev James Nagulan is the President of Emmanuel Tamil Annual Conference.

“I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” *Philippians 3:14



We are brothers and God’s fellow workers

THE CARPENTER’S TOOLS had a meeting.

Brother Hammer served as the chairman. The other members of the tool informed him that he must leave because he was too noisy. But brother Hammer said, “If I have to leave this carpenter’s shop, then brother Gimlet must go too. He’s insignificant and makes a very small impression.” (A gimlet is a small tool with a screw point, grooved shank, and a cross handle for boring holes).

Little brother Gimlet arose and said, “All right, but brother Screwdriver must go also. You have to turn him around and around to get anywhere with him.”

Brother Screwdriver turned to the other tools in the belt and said, “If you wish, I will go, but brother Plane must leave too. All of his work is on the surface; there’s no depth to what he does.”

To this brother Plane levelled his terse reply, “Well, then, brother Saw will have to depart too. The changes he proposes always cut too deep.”

Brother Saw complained, saying, “Brother Ruler will have to withdraw if I leave, for he’s always measuring other folks as though he were the only one who is right.”

Brother Ruler then surveyed the group and said, “Brother Sandpaper doesn’t belong here either. He’s rougher than he ought to be, and is always rubbing people the wrong way.”

In the midst of the discussion, the Carpenter of Nazareth walked in. He had come to perform his day’s work. He put on His tool belt and went to the workbench to make a pulpit. He employed the ruler, the saw, the plane, the hammer, the gimlet, the screwdriver, the sandpaper, and all the other tools. When the day’s work was over, the pulpit was finished, and the Carpenter went home.

All the accusations against each of these tools were absolutely true, yet the Carpenter used every one of them. No matter which tool He used, no other tool could have done the work better. – KneEmail.

