The glamour of new messiahs
enunciating words
that give flesh and form
to tenets
framed by master-spirits
– words compacted with designer genes
to awaken and impassion
the gullible
who form the coterie of believers,
capturing the headlines
of tabloids and media,
have currency and season;
their tenure is ephemeral
like the tide.
But the Word of the Divine
thrives on the buffeting
of the sandstorms of opposition,
having no hour-glass.
Worms consume
the flesh of human memory
but the Word of God
remains unadulterated
by the swirl of centuries,
fresh as the day
the Spirit first conceived it:
speaking to us in a voice
that cuts through bone and marrow,
giving new enduring life
to all who believe
and treasure it.
Dr Oliver Seet –
is a member of Wesley Methodist Church and a Board Director of the Metropolitan YMCA.