I PRAISE and honour God for giving me the opportunity to give my testimony at the GC-WSCS Thanksgiving Service.
I was married for five years and I was childless. My husband and I wanted to have a baby as early as possible. I was called “barren”. All of us know that the word “barren” is used for a woman who cannot conceive.
With faith and much pain in me, I trusted the Lord. One day I wrote a testimony and gave it to a church member. I wrote in faith that within a year I would conceive.
I got married on Nov 21, 1998. I conceived before my first wedding anniversary. The Lord heard me. But I carried my baby for only two months and my baby died as there was no heartbeat. I cried for days because the Lord gave and took away. I waited patiently for the Lord to hear me again.
The Lord spoke to me in three verses:
Ecc. 3:11 – He made all things beautiful in His Time.
1 Sam 1:5 – The Lord closed Hannah’s womb.
John 20:29 – Blessed are those who have not seen but yet believed.
I waited patiently. In March 2003, on a Friday, the Lord confirmed that I had conceived. And I delivered my baby girl on Oct 24, 2003.
I named her as “Keren Ivana Joy”. The name Keren is taken from (Job 42:14). Job in the Bible lost so many things and in the second part of his life, the Lord blessed him with three daughters. Keren is the name of Job’s youngest daughter. Ivana means “Gracious gift of God”.
I lost one and the Lord remembers me at the appointed time and gave me Keren. Our Lord heard and He gave me this precious gift.
Hallelujah! All glory and honour to Him alone. Amen.
Mrs Kanagi Kanakarajan is a member of Seletar Tamil Methodist Church WSCS.