I might not be the most “Methodist” person out there—I grew up in an unbelieving family, came to faith in an Anglican youth church camp in Singapore at 14 and received my assurance of salvation in a Pentecostal church in at 23.
But growing up in a Methodist family or studying in a Methodist school isn’t what makes you Methodist. To me, Methodism has never believed in nor placed emphasis on denominational differences. I love its willingness to let go of institutional pride, because the objective has always been about growing the one Kingdom of God, rather than serving the factionalised kingdoms of men.
Being a Methodist is often synonymous with the term “social justice”, where holiness is not just personal, but social, because the kingdom of God is more than just “I”. Where faith is not just belief, but authenticated by action. Matthew 25:35–40 reminds us that what we do for the least of our society, we do for our Lord.
I am a millennial, one who is between the ages of 24 and 39 in 2020. I know that society sometimes labels us as materialistic, entitled, idealistic, the “strawberry” or “snowflake” generation. But our generation is also the one that is most concerned about actively impacting human rights, poverty and homelessness, migrant workers, environmental awareness and mental health awareness—that’s social justice.
Millennials believe in and appreciate being authentic and real in their relationships. Methodism, to me, has been nothing but real—it walks the talk. It goes down to the lowest of people and sits with them, and loves them, just as Jesus did. And I pray that is how people will characterise me as a Christian as well, one who is a proud Methodist.
Kyle Yeo is a Lay Ministry Staff of Grace Methodist Church, overseeing Young Adults, Senior Youth and Hospitality–Integration Ministry. / Photo courtesy of Kyle Yeo