Coming Up

The Promise: An Advent service

The people of God waited: Who would save them from the hostilities of the world? Who would liberate the oppressed? Who would bring peace and justice to the poor and needy?

God’s promise to them was revealed through the prophet Isaiah:

“A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse;
from his roots a Branch will bear fruit.”
“The Spirit of the Lord will rest on him…
and he will delight in the fear of the Lord.” (Isaiah 11:1-3, NIV)

The time came for the promise to be fulfilled. Jesus, Emmanuel, was born in a stable. This was Christmas, the First Coming of the Lord!

As Christians, we are called to observe the First and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. In the Church Year, the season of Advent, spanning four Sundays, precedes Christmas. During this season, what are your plans?

The Methodist Festival Choir invites you to ‘The Promise’, two Advent worship services where we celebrate the First Coming of Christ as well as listen to the promise of the Second Coming.

The worship services centre on the prophetic words of Isaiah (Isaiah 11:1-10, 40:1-11 and 12:1-6) and the Good News of Christ’s coming in Luke (Luke 1:39-56). The celebration features carols and hymns from The United Methodist Hymnal, Lutheran Book of Worship, Lift up Your Hearts, the Taizé community, and a new hymn text (sung by the narrator) written by the Rev John Bell.

Interspersed with the Scripture readings are choral anthems by Robert Howells, J. S. Bach, Peter Anglea, Patti Drennan, Philip W. J. Stopford, and Johann Pachelbel.

Readings from Scripture will be explicated through the sermons of Bishop Emeritus Dr Robert Solomon on 3 Dec 2017 (Sunday), 5.30 p.m. at Pentecost Methodist Church, and the Rev Dr Gordon Wong on 9 Dec 2017 (Saturday), 7.30 p.m. at Barker Road Methodist Church.

All are invited!

The Promise: An Advent service
3 Dec 2017 (Sunday), 5.30 p.m.
4 Pasir Ris Drive 6, Pentecost Methodist Church, S(519420)
Speaker: Bishop Emeritus Dr Robert Solomon

9 Dec 2017 (Saturday), 7.30 p.m.
48 Barker Road, Barker Road Methodist Church, S(309917)
Speaker: The Rev Dr Gordon Wong

Free admission, all are welcome!

For more information, email or call 6767-5258.

Image courtesy of Methodist School of Music

