Expressions, Touch

The Star of Bethlehem

The Star of Bethlehem

Striding into Jerusalem
on camel back
three seers, of royal lineage, steeped
in the language of the stars, and of
their encoded messages, who were
startled one evening
to see in the prime
quarter of a galaxy,
a new star,
a diadem of purest light
outshining all the starry community,
proclaiming the birth of a King
who would cleave the
centuries of chronicled time
at His coming,
to a time before and after,
a King who would be a
watershed in the affairs of men.

So earth-shaking
was the message of this
star, so importunate
that they left all to
follow its trajectory
leading them along desert trails,
rarified terrain and strange
towns into Bethlehem at last,
bearing prophetic gifts
signifying His majesty,
His sanctity and His passion.


And at last
standing in the presence
of the incarnate Son
of Almighty God,
they were filled
with such reverence and awe
that they could only
prostrate themselves
astonished that the Creator
would come among men in
flesh and blood.

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Dr Oliver Seet is a member of Wesley Methodist Church and a Board Director of the Metropolitan YMCA.

