HIS GRACE is sufficient.
Then why should I need fear,
Though the testing be hard,
And the trial severe?
He tempers each wind
at upon me doth blow,
And tenderly whispers,
“ Thy father doth know!”
His power is sufficient,
Then why should I quail,
Though the storm clouds hang low,
And though wild is the gale?
His strength will not falter,
What ever betide,
And safe on His bosom
He bids me to hide.
His love is sufficient —
Yes boundless and free;
As high as the mountains,
As deep as the sea.
Ah, there I will rest
Till the darkness is over,
And wake in His likeness
To dwell evermore.
– Avis Burgeson Christiansen.
No condemnation can be brought
Christ hath for them a cleansing wrought,
And washed them in His blood.
They are righteous in what He’s done,
And evermore will be;
They stand complete in Christ the Son,
From condemnation free.
Justice demanded all the debt,
Of Christ in whom is laid,
Just as the time the Saviour set,
The debt He came and paid.
If Jesus had not paid the debt,
Or suffered all the pain,
He ne’er had been at freedom set,
He ne’er had rose again.
But when we see the Saviour rise,
Triumphant from the dead,
Our hopes ascend above the skies,
With our victorious Head.
– Samuel Bernard.