Missions, Outreach

Together in our Father’s business

The 25th Anniversary of the Methodist Missions Society (MMS) culminated with a banquet held on 27 Aug 2017 at The Fullerton Hotel. The theme of this banquet highlights the commitment of MMS in carrying out our Father’s business by being a “disciple-making movement that transforms lives”.

My Father’s Business Banquet has been held since 1996 as a biennial fundraising event to support the ministries in our mission fields. Generous support from Methodist churches, members, and friends has enabled MMS to nurture disciples, develop national leaders, and provide for the needy by establishing schools, homes, and hostels that shape lives and help transform communities.

A beautiful and inspiring book entitled Wings of Grace: Proclaiming 25 years of God’s Wondrous Works was presented at the banquet. It is a compilation of 265 testimonies from missionaries, national workers, and volunteers who have supported MMS over the past 25 years.

In his message, Bishop Dr Chong Chin Chung reminded us that “we should not rest on our laurels by just doing what’s good enough; we must continuously strive to do more than just what we can”.

Indeed, the work and challenges of MMS are ever increasing. MMS aims to achieve sustainability in its mature mission fields, while pioneering new ministries in younger ones. To accomplish this, proceeds from this year’s banquet will go towards key ministries in all our mission fields where it is most needed through the MMS General Fund, with particular focus on building a Methodist School in Timor-Leste.

Timor-Leste is a young nation with more than 60 per cent of its population below the age of 18. Many children drop out of or have never even attended school.

Two years ago, MMS established a hostel near a district high school to help up to 40 students finish their education. This project was made possible by the generosity of a single Methodist donor.

Today, these students are being discipled and equipped by MMS missionaries to become change agents who will one day transform lives within their own families and communities. Realising the need to provide quality education in a Christian environment, MMS also plans to build a Methodist school for more than 700 students from grades 1-12.

The mission of MMS is to mobilise the Methodist community in Singapore to establish disciple-making and multiplying indigenous churches. As it looks ahead to the next 25 years, MMS will continue to promote opportunities aimed at helping to meet the spiritual and physical needs of those in our mission fields.

We affirm God’s faithfulness by helping to fulfil the Great Commission through our service and financial support. Together, let’s bring the Gospel to unreached peoples and exemplify the Great Commandments of loving God and loving others!

In Luke 2:49, Jesus responded to His parents by saying, “knew ye not that I must be about My Father’s business?” (21st Century King James Version) Let us respond like Jesus, and fully commit ourselves to our Father’s business.

Pray for God to guide and strengthen us as we carry out our Father’s business and seek to glorify His name in all that we do!

Noel Tam –
is the Methodist Missions Society’s Home Director and the Country Coordinating Officer for Nepal. He worships at Pentecost Methodist Church.

Except for Wesley Seniors Activity Centre, the other six SACs do not receive government funding as they serve primarily seniors living in studio apartments and 3- to 4-room HDB flats. Your support is critical.

For information on how you or your church can be involved in giving or volunteering, please email ce@mws.sg. Find out more about our eldercare services at www.mws.sg.

Photos courtesy of the Methodist Missions Society

