CHEN JING YI is the top ACJC student and the top science student, scoring eight distinctions at the 2011 GCE A-Level Examinations including a distinction in H3 Contemporary Physics. In addition to her stellar academic performance, Jing Yi made positive contributions both within and beyond the college. She was selected for the ACJC Science Research Programme and was also the Secretary of the ACJC Robotics Club.
As an active member of the Science and Mathematics Council (SMC), she was selected as the group leader at the SMC Summer Camp 2011 and assisted in the Singapore-NUS Biomedical Olympiad 2011. She participated in the Science and Mathematics Council’s Vietnam Education Programme 2010. She was also a performing member of the ACJC Guitar Ensemble which clinched a silver award in the Singapore Youth Festival Central Judging in 2011.
Jing Yi worked for the betterment of the Oldham Hall boarding community as a member of the ACS Oldham Hall 6th Students’ Council. She was actively involved in community projects like the Singapore Heritage Fest 2010, Discovering Your Roots 2011 and the Senior-Tutoring Programme with Hainan Guoxin High School.
Top arts student a debater and MOE scholar
SARAH PANG PEI WEN is the top arts student, attaining seven distinctions at the 2011 GCE A-Level Examinations including a distinction in H3 English Literature. Sarah was awarded the MOE Humanities Scholarship 2010-2011.
She was very involved in college life, playing an active role as a member of the Debating and Oratorical Society as well as the Editorial Board. Sarah facilitated debate competitions and events like the Methodist Cup 2010, the Methodist Orator Trophy 2011 and the Schools’ Debating Championships 2011. As a member of the Editorial Board, she covered college events like the Class of 2010 A-Level Results, Orientation, AC Celebrations and Founder’s Day.
She served in various community projects and an overseas class Community Involvement Project in Taiwan. Sarah also volunteered at Ju Eng Old Folk’s Home in 2011 during weekends and holidays.
Physics medal-winner gives back to society
HANS ADRIAN is the top physics student in Singapore with the best score at the 2011 A-level Examinations, and is awarded the Institute of Physics Singapore A-level Medal. He achieved six distinctions with a distinction in H3 Semiconductor Physics and Device. He was an ASEAN scholar and was among the top 10 per cent of the student cohort for the 2010 Promotional Examinations.
He was part of an ACJC team that emerged as the champion at the CREATE2011 Challenge, an annual engineering competition organised by the Economic Development Board. Besides his academic pursuits, he was selected as the Digital Manager of the Photographic Society. He was awarded the Service Award in 2011 for his contributions to his CCA and school.
Hans took on leadership roles as the class Project Work Representative in 2010 and class Chemistry representative in 2011. He was also an Orientation Group Leader in 2011. His desire to contribute to the community led him to become a volunteer with the Waterways Watch Society and he collaborated with the Singapore Zoo to raise awareness about animal welfare.