Unusually, TRAC President Rev Dr Gordon Wong urged pastors during his sermon at the Closing and Ordination Service of Trinity Annual Conference’s (TRAC) 40th Session to remain “amateur Methodists”. He noted that “amateur” did not mean something inferior in quality; rather, an amateur did something out of love, unlike a professional working for pay. “God wants pastors who work not for the money, but for love – God’s love for them, and their love for God,” he said.
Referring to pastors’ ordination as induction “into a professional guild of pastors and clergy”, the TRAC President hoped that “professional” pastors would not be too caught up in matters of administration and governance (though they are very important) and find they have less time to practise hospitality – or pursue it, as he pointed out was closer to the original Greek meaning of Romans 12:13.
He acknowledged that pastors, being human, may forget how much God loves them, and lose their zeal and spiritual fervour. John Wesley also experienced doubt about preaching to others when he had no faith, but was told by Peter Boehler: “Preach faith till you have it; and then, because you have it, you will preach faith.” The Rev Dr Wong shared his hope that Methodist pastors would “work hard always to remain amateurs – in love with a Love that will never let them go”.
His sermon was followed by the ordination of Pastors Ian Lee, Ling Kin Yew, Jeremy Ong and Jason Phua as Deacons, and of the Rev Shaun Chong, the Rev Raymond Fong, the Rev Clarence Lee, the Rev Ming Feong Ching, and the Rev Wendy Tay as Elders.
– Grace Toh
All TRAC photos by Daniel Lie