Author: Jessie Wee
Illustrations by Geoffrey Chew
Publisher: Landmark Books
128 pages, $15 (All proceeds to Christ Methodist Church Missions) Available at Christ Methodist Church tel: 6345-3934
I AM SURE many of you have, at one time or another, treated yourself to the 2-in-1 or 3-in-1 coffee or tea mix. Jessie Wee’s Treasures of the Heart treats you to a 4-in-1 mix made up of thought provoking illustrations, Bible verses, personal anecdotes and prayer items.
Each treasure settles you in a mood for the message to linger in your heart and mind. One feels gently challenged by the author’s walk with God through the Bible.
I found myself pensive as I read each treasure. The open layout in this 30 cm by 15 cm rather unusually sized book seems to be a deliberate plan to get one’s eye to rest at various points in order to be still and reflect.
The 31 treasures of the heart shared by Jessie are both instructive and encouraging. She shares her salvation, her struggles and vulnerabilities and how God reveals Himself to her through prayer and His Word. Her encounters abroad, her observations of the young and old around her, are episodes that many of us can easily identify with.
I can sense her joy and peace as the truth is revealed to her and as she is released from bondage. Jessie moves us to greater heights with God. I feel the desire to know His Word and to hide them in my heart. I am comforted, too, in knowing that I am not alone in my struggles.
The inspiring illustrations also add depth to each treasure shared. What a lesson for our ever critical and complaining nature!
Treasures of the Heart is a good book to own. I have read it more than once and it remains multidimensional in its impact on me. It can serve not only as a devotional book for the family, but also make a great gift for friends.
Nancy Tan is President of the Women’s Society of Christian Service at Christ Methodist Church.
A glitch
DUE TO a computer technical glitch, the authors of the book, The Soy Sauce Towkay, were wrongly named as Lee Tee Ong and F.T. Lie in our July 2010 issue (page 18).The authors are Lee Tee Jong and F.T. Liu. We are sorry for the error.