Outreach, Welfare

Unwavering in her walk with those in need

Unwavering in her walk with those in need
Fanny and family in Hong Kong

When 72-year-old Fanny Chiang emigrated from Hong Kong to Singapore 30 years ago, she was determined to live out her family’s firm belief that they are blessed to be a blessing. Despite the challenges that came with settling down in a foreign land, Fanny stepped up as a volunteer befriender with MWS Christalite Methodist Home (CMH) in 1997, a home for the destitute, operated by Methodist Welfare Services (MWS).

“Before the pandemic, whenever I visited the seniors, they called me Jie Jie and were so happy to welcome all the volunteers,” Fanny recalls fondly. Together with a group of Christian volunteers, Fanny would visit the seniors once a month. From enthusiastic performances and fun games to heart-to-heart chats, they constantly found new ways to bring cheer to destitute seniors.

“Although I didn’t expect anything in return for volunteering, truthfully, I have received so much joy and have been so blessed by the seniors,” Fanny confesses. Unknown to Fanny back then, her faithfulness would have a ripple effect on people beyond MWS CMH.

A ripple effect when stepping out in faith

In 2016, Fanny’s neighbour approached her one day with a $5000 cheque for Christ Methodist Church’s rebuilding fund. Surprised, Fanny asked this neighbour what prompted this kind gesture.

“Mary*, a resident you befriended at MWS Christalite Methodist Home, is my aunt. I am so grateful to the church volunteers for visiting her regularly and being her family. This is my token of appreciation to the church and God,” shared Fanny’s neighbour. Through Fanny and her church mates’ acts of love, the neighbour and her family saw the love of God. Encouraged that her service brought glory to God, Fanny has been serving people in need without ceasing over the years.

Step out of the boat – Join The Giving Methodist

Volunteering is not without its challenges, particularly in the last two years living in the Covid-19 pandemic. Is fear keeping you from giving?

 ““Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” (Matthew 14:27(b))

Will you heed God’s call, in faith and courage, just as Peter did in Matthew 14:22-29 by stepping out of the boat? Many in our community need your acts of love.

This Lent, place your trust in an omnipotent and all-providing God. Let us remember the many who are in the same storm and are crying out for help. You can be The Giving Methodist in three ways:

*not her real name

Give Time

Volunteer from March onwards with a church outreach ministry, or at an MWS Centre, to provide vital support to those in need.

Give A Donation

Donate generously from now till end December 2022 and empower over 8,000 beneficiaries under MWS’ care.

Give Voice

Share about The Giving Methodist campaign with your friends and families, as well as on social media.

To sign up or find out more about the campaign, visit https://thegivingmethodist.sg or scan the QR code. Do email tgm@mws.sg if you have any questions.

Fanny and Mary*

By the Methodist Welfare Services (MWS) Communications Team / Photos and visuals courtesy of MWS

