Missions, Outreach

What Is God Doing in Timor-Leste?

Celebrating Restoration of Independence Day with our traditional headwear and tais

In support of the St Paul Methodist School (SPMS) Development Project, donors have generously given about S$3m so far.

This amount exceeds the approved budget for land acquisition and phase one of the construction, which include: a two-level classroom building with six classrooms; a two-level hostel building that will accommodate missionaries; local teachers and up to 40 students; a canteen staff rooms cum multi-purpose hall; centralised mechanical and engineering requirements; and portions of public and external works.

The balance of the funds raised, along with future donations, will be used for the second phase of construction: a school chapel; additional classrooms; a hostel; and a library. Construction will commence as soon as the government issues an official property title, which is expected later this year.

Although a delay in the issuance of the official property title has held back construction of the permanent school, God has blessed SPMS with amazing growth in its temporary location. In 2016, SPMS opened one class for 21 students in grade 7. A year later, a class of nine first-graders opened in Missionary Principal David Chan’s home.

This year, there are 171 students enrolled in nine grades, 55 per cent more than last year. The school has also employed 14 local teaching and non-teaching staff.

Donations have enabled the purchase of three school buses and a modular classroom to support the rapidly growing student population. Singaporean educators continue to volunteer their time and expertise in curriculum development and ongoing teacher training.

Over the past 12 months, four members of the Methodist community boldly answered God’s call to serve as MMS missionaries in Timor-Leste: Rasanya Gnasegaran from ETAC; the Rev See Swee Fang from TRAC and her husband See Jin Hoe from Queenstown Chinese Methodist Church; and Cheryl Chen, wife of missionary Rudy Wong and a member of Aldersgate Methodist Church.

We praise God for His abundant blessings, and continue to trust in His timing and provision. Please continue to uphold SPMS students, teachers and staff, as well as all our missionaries who labour for the Lord in Timor-Leste, in your prayers.

[vc_cta h2=”” el_width=”sm”]If you sense the Lord is calling you to support the MMS school ministry, please email mms@methodist.org.sg or call 6478-4818 for more information.[/us_cta]
Kawaii with the Faith Methodist Church team
Reading with my teacher

The Rev Teresa Wilborn is the MMS Area Director for Cambodia and Timor-Leste. She worships at Aldersgate Methodist Church


Photos courtesy of Methodist Missions Society.

