
World Methodist leader calls on Bishop


THE Rev Dr John Barrett, the new Vice-Chairman of the World Methodist Council (WMC), receiving a bound copy of Methodist Message 2001 from Bishop Dr Robert Solomon when he and Mrs Barrett paid a courtesy call on the Bishop recently.

He was elected the WMC Vice-Chairman at the 18th World Methodist Conference in Brighton, England, in July last year.

Accompanied by Mrs Barrett, he was passing through Singapore when he took the opportunity to call on Bishop Dr Solomon and to visit Anglo-Chinese School (Independent), Bethany Methodist Nursing Home (BMNH), Trinity Theological College (TTC) and the Methodist School of Music (MSM).

The Rev Dr Barrett, who is Headmaster of The Leys School in Cambridge, England, was briefed on the work of Bethany Home by its senior officials and taken on a quick tour.

At TTC, he visited the library and chapel and met the Principal, the Rev Dr Ngoei Foong Nghian. He also met the ACS (I) Principal, Dr Ong Teck Chin, and the MSM Principal, Ms Mary Gan, at their respective schools. He was visibly impressed with the facilities of Bethany Home and the three schools.

