“Our Lord is already waiting to accompany us on our journey. Isn’t this most comforting to know?”
MOST OF US ENJOY HAVING PARTIES and banquets in the company of family members and relatives, friends and colleagues, especially during the festive seasons. There are parties to attend – on Christmas Day, New Year’s Day, Chinese New Year’s Day, Valentine’s Day, etc.
During such times we can always find excuses to have gatherings and parties. Often such get-togethers can bring about various forms of interactions.
We read in the Gospels of Jesus often having meals with others and there are several parables about banquets.
My favourite story is the dinner that Jesus had at Emmaus (Luke 24:13-36). The two followers of Jesus had been downhearted and forlorn, but the meal with Jesus revived their spirits and restored their souls, and they were full of hope once more.
Our hearts are warmed on reading this story. The most moving description was “when He was at the table with them, and He took the bread, gave thanks, broke it and began to give it to them. Then their eyes were opened and they recognised Him”.
I wonder if you have noticed that Jesus had accompanied the followers (although they were not aware) as they journeyed back to Jerusalem to tell the disciples what had happened. Verse 36 says, “While they were still talking about this, Jesus himself stood among them, ‘Peace be with you.’” The Lord who dined with them in Emmaus had also come to Jerusalem!
We are often invited by the Lord to gatherings of His faithful when He feeds us with the living bread (His Word) and His body (Holy Communion).
We are reminded by the Emmaus experience that His presence continues beyond these spiritual banquets: He accompanies us on our journey after the meal.
We may be attending Sunday worship services feeling downcast and forlorn, or we may be worshipping with our hearts full of joy. Just remember that when we go our separate ways after the event, we do not walk alone.
Our Lord is already waiting to accompany us on our journey. Isn’t this most comforting to know?
The Rev Dr Chong Chin Chung is the President of the Chinese Annual Conference.
By R. Prabhu
Walking steady with Christ all the way
“Christian spirituality is an abiding experience in Christ which gives us a deep sense of security in God in all places.”
In St Paul’s words, it is “being rooted and established in love” (Eph. 3: 17) and “rooted and built up in him” Col. 2:7). It is an abiding experience in Christ which gives us a deep sense of security in God in all places.
Jesus said, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit.” (Jn. 15:6). Thus, our spirituality is not conditioned by our circumstances. Be it in the church or home or in the marketplace we reflect the same character or spirituality because of our relationship with Christ.
Our life is in total control and protection of the Lord as St Paul mentions in Col. 3:2, “your life is now hidden with Christ in God”. Only this kind of incorporation in Christ will result in true spirituality.
Christian spirituality is “Walking steady with Christ all the way through”. Enoch walked with God. (Gen. 5:21-24) . He lived in one of the darkest periods of history. Yet he walked consistently for 300 years.
We are pilgrims on this earth. No place or position is permanent. As we journey through mountain tops, valleys, deep waters, fires and the wilderness we need to overcome the challenges of every stage and walk with stability all the way through, clinging on to Him.
True spirituality maintains balance; does not lean upon the right or left because there is danger at both the extremes on the way.
Our spiritual rhythm should not be affected by our circumstances.
True spirituality is demonstrating Christ-like qualities even in adverse situations. The Holy Spirit controls a spiritual man’s temperament even in adverse circumstances. Stephen is a classic example of this. (Acts 6,7).
Like Christ we are called to bear fruit and be productive even on difficult grounds.
Yes, we are ordinary people but true spirituality calls us to be above average.