
Your ‘new’ Methodist Message: A refreshing look


HERE IT IS – your new-look Methodist Message (MM)! This issue of MM, with its refreshing new look and entirely in full colour, comes 12 years after the publication had been re-designed in newspaper format in 1997.

We feel that now is a good time to have another new design as The Methodist Church in Singapore is pre-paring to celebrate its 125th Anniversary next year.

As you pick up your copy of MM, the first element that greets you is the attractive masthead. We hope you like it and that it will lead you through the pages.

There is a light and breezy look about it, thanks to a deliberate choice of running more articles of a shorter length and making technical adjustments such as introducing more leading and the use of more white space.

While we are keeping the regular columns, we have also introduced some new ones. They cover a wide spectrum, from youth matters to marriage and fam-ily issues, understanding our Methodist distinctives, the rich heritage of our Methodist hymns and songs, God’s call-ing through one’s vocation, and Christian spirituality, among other topics.

We thank all of you for the support given to MM over the years. We trust that MM has been a blessing to you and we look forward to your continued support.

Enjoy your revamped Methodist Message, and we look forward to receiving your feedback.

