
Your worth is not dependent on your ability, or your disability



Rev Lai Kai Ming, who serves as the Connect Pastor, overseeing the children, youth, young adults and seniors ministries, as well as the small groups ministry at Barker Road Methodist Church (BRMC), announced earlier this month through a video recording that he was suffering from a degenerative eye disease, causing him to lose his vision. He says that this condition has even enabled him to share about God.

“It is by God’s grace, God’s help, that I continue to serve… Whatever situation in life that you face, that you’re stuck in, God can still use you.”

In this video, Rev Lai shares his personal journey with Ethan Ng from BRMC Church School since he was diagnosed with an unknown eye condition about 10 years ago.

For more about how Rev Lai—who was once a scholar with the Singapore Armed Forces—became a Methodist pastor, read his story here.

