
Heavenly places

Picture by rolffimages/Bigstock.com Conflict gripped Sri Lanka in 1988, with two terrorist groups dominating different regions in the country. I was in Colombo to preach when a curfew was imposed,…

ETAC thanks God, pioneers

On 31 Jan 2015, Emmanuel Tamil Annual Conference (ETAC) held our Annual Thanksgiving Service in the sanctuary of Tamil Methodist Church in Short Street, the second-oldest Methodist church in Singapore. Great has…

Thin places

There are other places with similar spiritual significance. The ancient Celtic Christians called such places “thin places”. Some places are rich with spiritual memory and meaning, and they seem to…

New Bible translation now available

“To Bible readers who value biblical truth, the MEV literally translates God’s Word in a way that preserves the message but remains readable for today’s world.” The Modern English Version…

Explore Trinity Theological College

Have you ever wondered how you might deepen your understanding of the Christian tradition and develop a spiritually mature and vibrant faith? One way is through a theological education that…

Father’s love

How has your understanding of God deepened since you became a father? When my wife Kanae was pregnant with Kiyoshi and I felt him kick, I loved him. I loved…

Attempt great things for God

Silhouette of businessman standing in air gap Most people have different kinds of ambition, and usually these have to do with the self – “my comfort, my wealth, my status,…

Stuck in transition – From start to finish

Julie Kasem at Kerri Kasem’s Birthday party held at the Flying Gaona Brothers Trapeze School, Woodland Hills, CA. 07-11-10 In one of the most unusual contests of all time, the…

On TRAC Together with a New Look

Soon after Trinity Annual Conference (TRAC) President the Rev Dr Gordon Wong was elected to office in November 2012, he rolled out a rally call to all 21 TRAC churches…