
Celebrating Christmas in a violent world

As Christians all over the globe celebrate Christmas this year, they do so in a world that is in turmoil, with many parts gripped by violence and scarred by unconscionable atrocities.

Truthful evangelism: Our lives speak more than our words

“Evangelism” is a lofty word and much- vaunted concept, but do we ever think of how it relates to us personally? When I think of how my spiritual heritage sprang from the work of two evangelists who were obedient to God’s call, I feel compelled to pass on this blessing of a spiritual heritage to others and share God’s love with them.

Stewardship of the truth

The topic of good stewardship prompts me to reflect on an important aspect of stewardship that has suffered some neglect: the stewardship of the truth that the Church has received from God through his Word.

A most respectable sin

One of the most distinctive contributions of Roman Catholic moral theology is the enumeration of what is now known as the “seven deadly sins”. The origins of the list can be traced to Pope Gregory I (540–604), although it was later developed by the great 13th century medieval theologian, Thomas Aquinas.

Wokeness and the Church

The theme that the editors of the Methodist Message have assigned for this issue, “The Sphere of the Church”, provides an opportunity to discuss a phenomenon that is becoming more pervasive in evangelical churches in the United States, and which is just beginning to influence some churches in Singapore.
