This series of Christian Education videos was produced by the Council on Education of The Methodist Church in Singapore to guide Christian educators in Methodist schools.
Christian Perspectives on Education
Title: Christian Ethics and the Mission of the School
Speaker: Rev Nathanael Goh
Synopsis: Rev Nathanael Goh shares how schools, being communities of mutual learning and benefit, are important to the moral formation of the students. By putting in moral effort to form moral habits, moments of decision can be acted out virtuously by instinct, and students who are thus formed may live into the future with confidence.

Title: Revisiting your Calling: Heart, Hope and Humility
Speaker: Prof Tan Oon Seng
Synopsis: Prof Tan Oon Seng talks about three kinds of teachers: teachers that need forgiveness, colourless teachers and imperishable teachers. He draws parallels between teaching and nursing and shares personal experiences of having had a great mentor, Dr Ruth Wong, and how genuinely caring and inspiring teachers leave a lasting legacy through generations of learners.

Title: Being a Christian Witness in School
Panellists: Mr Wee Tat Chuen, Dr Phillip Towndrow & Dr Shirleen Chee
Synopsis: The panel discusses the importance of consistency, authenticity and the need for grace and support to be a Christian witness in schools. Remembering who we are, that we are all imperfect; having a community to encourage, uphold and journey with; and accepting that we have to keep learning, are all part of being a witness.